Like many people across the world, I had a short work week this week. Short, but busy. It's almost like seeing the light at the end of the tunnel when Friday rolls around. I was saying to @ericvancewalton the other day that I really want to do a better job of not "working for the weekend", but when you are stuck in the 9 to 5 life, it is hard to accomplish that I think.
Let me break down a typical day for you:
- Get up between 4 and 4:30 AM to work out in the basement
- Get ready for work and be heading out the door a round 6:00 AM
- Get to work at 6:30 AM
- Work until 3:30 PM
- Get home between 4:00 and 4:30
- Wait for @mrsbozz to get dinner heated up (she meal preps on the weekend to make things quicker at night)
- Eat dinner around 5, watch a little bit of TV together before she goes to read at 6:30 PM
- I'll stay up and watch a show or something until about 7:30 PM before I crawl into bed and play around on my phone for a bit.
- 9:00 PM (if not sooner), phone down, sleepy time.
Rinse and repeat. You can see how it can be difficult not to want something better come the weekends. It's sad though because you are basically tolerating two thirds of your week to appreciate one third of it. Clearly, something needs to change, but given the fact that I need my job, it's probably going to have to be my attitude!

It is time again for another Finance Friday/Friday Finance. This is a series I started where I talk about random bits of financial stuff that I have seen, gathered, or experienced during the week. I hope as a reader you find it informational, entertaining, or both. I also hope it can generate some good discussion and edify the community.
You asked for it!
Well, some of us have been wanting/expecting crypto regulation for a while now. The hope was that the government would use some common sense and not try to apply old standards to new concepts. We should have known that would be too much to ask.
Someone shared an article the other day that basically requires: "anyone who receives $10,000 or more in cryptocurrency in the course of their trade or business to make a report to the IRS about that transaction".
Pretty crazy right? Like many things, it brings up more questions than it actually answers. What is considered a trade? My career is in IT, but given my blogging here on Hive, some might consider me a writer. I don't, but what if the IRS does? How do I even report that.
This is the part that really gets me: "The report must include (among other things), the name, address, and social security number of the person from whom the funds were received.
For real? Social Security Number? That's like asking people at Radio Shack for their name and address back in the day. You are more likely to get a gun pulled on you than to actually get that information.
Let's say HIVE makes a bit of a moonshot. I do my regular posting through the week and get lucky enough for @appreciator to upvote it. Assume that maybe in the course of a week I made $10,000 USD in HIVE for posting. How easy is it going to be to get that information from an account that may or may not be tied to single person.
Clearly, decentralized blockchains make the requirements harder than say BTC where I maybe did some coding for someone and they paid me $11,000 BTC.
Plus, don't even get me started on what they mean by the word "trade". Do they mean "a trade" or "to trade"? Your guess is as good as mine.
Finally, from what I read, the forms that they want you to fill out to report all of this, haven't even been created yet!
Talk about a massive cluster @#$^%@^%&% !
More Silver

When I went and picked up that Aztec Calendar Silver Bar, I also picked up this silver round.
It's only 1 oz, but it is pretty cool and it has a nice ziggurat on the back of it. I think that's what they call those things. It's kind of hard to believe that these used to be scattered all across the southern part of the Americas once upon a time.
I have seen photos from friends that have visited some of the old cities on cruises and things like that, but I have never visited them myself.

The obverse once again has the Aztec calendar like the bar I bought and this was the main reason why I picked up this piece. I didn't think I could get more excited than my BTC and LTC 1 oz rounds, but this might take the prize.
I'm probably done buying silver for a while now, but I will try to continue to throw some stuff out here and there in my posts. The place that I have been buying a lot of my stuff from sent me an email the other day that they have some exciting announcements to make. Since they also have an online presence, I will be sure to share those with you.
Plus, I still have my secret santa gift that I hope should be showing up any day now. It's crazy just how difficult it is to ship stuff from country to country. You would think by 2024 they should have the process down pretty smooth.
Apparently not...
I just look forward to seeing what comes my way whenever it eventually does!
Next week could be a big one for us (or not), it's hard to say really. I don't see anything significant happening on the HIVE side of things no matter what happens with BTC. Consensus seems to be that we still have about a year to wait before HIVE (and everything else) gets exciting.
We shall see!
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