Hi fellow Hiveians,
Today I wanted to talk about sickness and how it really throws things off for a while!

The Wrench
I had all kinds of plans of doing extensive amounts of writing and other things to get caught up, and back on top of things. Then we got a wrench thrown in!
Kids, they are just magnets for germs, aren't they? Lol. My son sadly recently came down with quite a cold. I don't know if it's the flu or a regular old cold but damn it, he's a kid that when he's sick he's a miserable pain in the ass. That's said with the most loving conviction from a parent.. hahaha
This really messed up a bunch of things but that's okay at the end of the day. I have the job of taking care of the little dude when he's like this as my wife has other things going on that prevents it. I've been lucky so far in that I haven't caught the affliction that he's got which is surprising. I've been making sure to do a lot of preventative steps like reducing sugar as much as possible from my diet. Sugar is a big contributor to these things despite what a lot of people may forget or ignore. The bacteria feeds off that shit!
This has been a few days of up and down, but mostly rough nights. The nights where he tosses and turns, cries and coughs his brains out are definitely the worst. The challenge is too is that he's also stubborn lol. He won't listen to me with things that I know will make him feel better but he doesn't think they will. It's like moving a donkey, they won't do it if they don't want to.
So my writing has taken a hit, at a time when I need to do some additional writing to get a few good amounts in the queue. I know this largely doesn't make the biggest difference or impact on a number of things but for me, it isn't just some rewards on the chain. I use the writing quite a bit mentally to gather my thoughts and it helps me process a lot of the things going on in my day and week.
If all goes well, it will just be another day or two before the little man turns a corner. These sickness things usually take about a week to sort themselves out on their own, with assistance from us. I don't want to go nuts giving him all kinds of nasty medications and totally destroying his intestinal health and many other negative consequences. That's the challenge for sure, because doing things the more natural way takes a little bit longer but the long-term payoff is much better.
At the end of the day though, it's my responsibility as a father to make sure that I am taking care of my son. It's not easy but the reduction in sleep is worth it if I'm able to help him feel better.
Now if only I can get him to blow his nose so he won't get in this situation in the first place...

-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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