Last weekend I was (unfortunately) exposed to the "news" - which is actually nothing more than advertising, propaganda, outright lies and a control mechanism - and heard a story about a local couple in my city who...well, seem like total fucken assholes.
They have a six year old son and figured it would be a good idea to tell him he had cancer. They shaved his head, put a bandage around it to emulate what happens after chemotherapy, placed him in a wheelchair took photos and put up a request for donations to help with his condition on one of those (idiotic) crowd funding sites. This is what I call fucken human garbage!
They raised $60,000.
Let's put aside the fact these people shitbags defrauded people out of money for their own gain and focus on the emotional impact upon the kid who was actually told he had cancer!
I can't imagine it's something that the kid would forget, especially considering his parents were arrested and charged, and my understanding of it is that the kid is now with the child protection agency for safekeeping; that's something he's not likely to forget anytime soon. What the fuck huh?
There's so many bad actors out there, people human garbage trying to take advantage of others and getting away with it too, but what sort of parent does something like this to their own kid? That's a rhetorical question because I know the answer.
I know some of you may think, maybe they were desperate, - and that may actually be the case - but I don't think that's an excuse to possibly permanently damage the kids' emotional state and what about those they defrauded, maybe some of them were not in a position to donate but did so anyway out of the kindness of their hearts. Some people shouldn't be parents I think, and everyone donating to crowd funding sites should be wary. I guess another example of how people's charity doesn't always end up where it should.
Have you ever heard of a similar story in your location?
I know there's countries where children are purposely (and permanently) maimed to gain a better effectiveness when begging - more pity I guess - and that there's a healthy industry based around child trafficking (people trafficking generally) but have you heard of something like this story I write about? What about crowd funding sites, do you think they're legitimate or do you feel so many people are faking situations to take advantage?
Feel free to state your opinions and thoughts or tell a story of such things in your location if you'd like. Also, if you've maimed your child to help them beg more effectively I'd like to hear from you too...not that you're likely to admit it I suppose, but I'd be happy to know so I could report you because, like the couple I mention in this post, you're human garbage.
Now, to lighten mood here's a legit song from 2002 by Garbage...with no human garbage in sight.
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