Hola amigos de #Familyandfriends feliz mitad de semana, espero que esten muy bien, por aca vamos genial gracias a Dios, ya en los ultimos preparativos para el bautizo de mis chiquitos, algo realmente sencillo, pero hecho con mucho amor 🥰 pero antes de contarles sobre eso, quiero terminar de contarles como terminamos de celebrar nuestro 14 de febrero.
Hi friends of #Familyandfriends happy midweek, I hope you are very well, here we are doing great thanks to God, already in the last preparations for the baptism of my little ones, something really simple, but done with lots of love 🥰 but before I tell you about that, I want to finish telling you how we finished celebrating our February 14.
En el post Anterior les conté que ese dia me fui de compras jeje en busca de la camisa de Chris para el bautizo y aproveche y me compré una tambien jeje!! Pero les conté que mi esposo no fue conmigo porque tenia.otro compromiso en el centro, entonces nos pusimos de acuerdo para encontrarnos ahi y venirnos a casa juntos, asi que cuando salí del centro comercial le avisé y nos pusimos de acuerdo!! Yo ese dia me fui sin comer porque honestamente no sentia hambre, y como Alber sabe que me encantan esos mini lunch y que devia tener un hambre atroz, me esperó con uno bien calientico y delicioso, mas una rica Samba por el dia de san valentin, lo habia pedido para llevar porque ya casi era hora de buscar a los niños pero luego decidimos comerlo ahi, dedicarnos 15 minutos para disfrutar un desayuno juntos jeje. Aunque para el era merienda 😂
In the previous post I told you that I went shopping that day hehe in search of Chris's shirt for the baptism and I took the opportunity to buy one too hehe! But I told you that my husband didn't go with me because he had another commitment downtown, so we agreed to meet there and come home together, so when I left the mall I told him and we agreed! I left that day without eating because I honestly didn't feel hungry, and as Alber knows that I love those mini lunches and that I should have an atrocious hunger, he waited for me with a very hot and delicious one, plus a delicious Samba for Valentine's Day, I had ordered it to go because it was almost time to pick up the kids but then we decided to eat it there, to spend 15 minutes to enjoy a breakfast together hehe. Although for him it was a snack 😂.
Luego nos fuimos a casa y seguimos nuestra rutina diaria, la verdad para este 14 fui yo quien no tuvo algun detalle, y eso es bastante raro en mi, pero he estado con la cabeza tan loca que fui olvidando la fecha, pero no se crean, es un detalle que tengo pendiente.
Then we went home and continued our daily routine, the truth for this 14th was me who did not have any detail, and that is quite rare in me, but I've been with my head so crazy that I was forgetting the date, but do not believe, it is a detail that I have pending.
Sin embargo como AMAMOS comer y de hecho siento que es nuestro principal lenguaje del amor, ese dia no podiamos cenar cualquier cosa, asi que le propyse hacer jnas hamburguesas, a lo que obviamente no se negó jeje, fuimos al supermercado y compramos lo que nos hacia falta y yo las preparé asi que puedo decir que le regale jna deliciosa Hamburguesa 😂 porque rica si me quedó okey? Jaja
However as we LOVE to eat and in fact I feel it is our main love language, that day we couldn't just have any dinner, so I proposed him to make some hamburgers, which he obviously didn't refuse hehe, we went to the supermarket and bought what we needed and I prepared them so I can say that I gave him a delicious Burger 😂 because it was delicious, ok? haha
Aunque tenian pocas cosas. Siento que no le hizo falta NADA, tenia obvio su carne, tocineta, mostaza, salsa de tomate, cebolla caramelizada y queso, comimos riquisimo y luego vimos un capitulo de una serie🥰 y asi finalizamos el dia.
Although they had very few things. I feel it lacked NOTHING, it had obvious meat, bacon, mustard, ketchup, caramelized onion and cheese, we ate delicious and then we watched an episode of a series🥰 and so we ended the day.
¿Ustedes como la pasaron?
How did you have a good time?
Fotos tomadas con mi Infinix hot 40i
Portada editada en Canva
Photos taken with my Infinix hot 40i
Cover edited in Canva