5 minute freewrite 2662 prompt talented idiot

in Freewriters8 days ago

This is my post for #freewriters 2662 prompt talented idiot hosted by @mariannewest

As my husband likes to say, I have been playing with my desert roses again.
This is a desert rose that I had given to my Mom and it is not getting the care it needs so I took it home, there is one more there, I will get it at another time.

I took it out of the pot and washed all the soil from the roots, this is one of the few plants that you can do this and not harm it.

I wash the soil away from it so I can see to cut the roots away from the part that I will leave above the soil.

When I have all of the roots that I want cut off I cover all of the cut places with cinnamon. Cinnamon is a natural bug repellent. I forgot to take a picture of it in its new pot so use your imagination because I do not feel up to going back outside.

The one thing I do not need is more desert roses but I am cutting some back and I just can't throw all the cuttings away. I have been watching videos on all the ways people are making them look. I do not know how talented I am at doing anything other than growing them so I might turn out to be a talented idiot but my gut says to root them so I am rooting them.
The shade cloth is over the plants that I cut back.

Instead of buying rooting hormone, I use aloe, all you do is slice the aloe so you can rub the end of the desert rose in it, then poke a hole and put the cutting in it. Always poke a hole first, never jab it into the soil.
photos are mine