Homesteading Journey Continues

in Homesteading13 days ago

I started my journey with homesteading and growing vegetables at home and it started with watercress I chose it because it is easy and fast to grow and it doesnt take long to find it green and ready to eat Honestly the experience of growing something with your own hands and following up on it every day is a pleasure in itself in addition to being healthy and much cheaper than buying it from the market.

Now that watercress has become an essential part of my farming I am thinking about the next step Tomatoes and potatoes are on the list of priorities but each one has its own challenges Tomatoes need special attention in terms of sun and water and I also need to learn how to protect them from diseases that may affect them As for potatoes their story is a bit different because they grow under the soil which means that I need to prepare suitable soil for them and learn the right way to store them after harvest.

Although I am still in the research and planning phase I am very enthusiastic especially after the success of watercress The things I grow are not just for food but they are a fun experience that makes me feel accomplished and connected to nature Soon I will start growing tomatoes and potatoes and share my experience and this could be the beginning of a small farm at home.

Now that I am preparing for tomatoes and potatoes I have started preparing the soil and looking for good seeds or seedlings There are things I need to learn such as pruning tomatoes to give a better crop and how to prepare potatoes for planting in the right way The subject is interesting and full of challenges but enthusiasm is what keeps me going I hope in the coming period to have a small farm at home and to achieve selfsufficiency even partially from the vegetables that I grow with my own hands.