Before I will share the farming activities we did, first I will share the easy way to cook sinangag or fried rice. Every morning, when there are lots of left-over rice, we cooked it into sinangag this can avoided wasting of rice and this is one of my Favorite food to eat.
There are only few Ingredients about this food for breakfast:
- Left-over rice
- Onions
- Garlic
- Cooking Oil
- Seasoning
- Salt
- Soy Sauce
- Fried egg [ As Adding Ingredient and Optional ]
The first thing I did was to sliced onion and Garlic into smaller pieces and I put it in a separated Plates. This kind of spices helps the food to gives a good smell. After that, I carefully smashed the left-over rice so it will be easy to mixed by other Ingredients.
After a few minutes of preparations, I heated a cooking oil to the Pan for a few minutes.
Sauting Garlic and Onions takes only a few seconds and it must be sauted so it wont get burned.
After sauting the Garlic and Onions, I added the left-over rice and I mixed it very well. It takes a few seconds before adding the next Ingredients.
Adding soy sauce can make the dish and food tastier I add some right amount of Soy sauce and I mixed it very well so it will balance the taste.
Next, I add extra seasonings and salt and I mixed well again so it will balance the taste. We used table salt that is why I taked a small amount of salt only.
Cooking is one of my Hobby and even if it is only kind of simple dish, I am still happy I can cook very well.
At The Farm in Mount Talabaan:
After a few minutes eating my breakfast, I prepared the things I will brought to the Farm and it needs to be done on time so my Family can picking me up to the road. It takes a few minutes before picking me with my Family and we started to travel all the way to Mount talabaan, were our farm land located. I was having a lot of fun time watching the beautiful place we passing by during our travel and it takes almost an hour before reaching the place.
The place is very stip and it really needs to walked very carefuly. We passing by in this cool and relaxing place were stream and spring can be seen. For me, this is a kind of adventuristic activities and I was enjoyed of walking at the place.
Finally after a few hours of walking, we finally arrived at our rest house. Our rest house is only made of light materials just like bamboo pieces. This is the place were we take a rest after our farm activities and some of Gardening and farming tools also kept inside of this structure. We haven't finished cleaning the entire area of our Rest house.
My Father was also very busy cleaning this area, His plan is to plant lots of vegetables here. He removed dry grass and other kinds of wild grass at the place but cleaning here must be cautious and checked if there are some dangerous animals like snakes and wasps. Our second day at the farm was successfully finished and the place is ready to plant lots of valuable crops.
Thank you for visiting my post, have a nice day to everyone.