PostsCommentstorem-di-torem in # • 17 days agoRE: A mushroom hunt before the rain [Esp/Eng]Wow! You did a great job! These mushrooms are just a guru of camouflage, but they managed to hide it from you 😁torem-di-torem in # • 18 days agoRE: Enjoying the company of the birds ¨Feathered Friends¨ [Esp/Eng].Our birds are not so active yet. Snow and frost have come to us. But spring is coming soon and there will be a lot of feathered friends.torem-di-torem in # • 22 days agoRE: People never cease to disappoint me (¨Daily Blog¨)[Esp/Eng].It seems that this week has been tiring for you, my dear friend. Unfortunately, there are such periods in life. I hope that all the difficulties will be solved in the most wonderful way in your favor!