Hard work and Diligence bring expert - Tuesday, July 9, 2024

in #aliveandthriving8 months ago (edited)

Like ancestors say, "Hard work and diligence will make you a great man." Work is surely exhausting and takes everyone's life. Sometimes we're having fun to relieve the stress but it doesn't mean we're neglecting our jobs. Relieving stress is also one thing that we can do to maintain our working cycle.

cc: Quora

There's no shortcut to achieve success. We need to go step by step towards it. It comes back to us again. If we want to succeed, we need to think of the goal and step by step to meet the goals itself. It should be realistic and doable. All steps toward success will become a test to ourselves. With hard work and diligence, I think we can achieve our goals.

cc: psychology

Most people are down in the middle of their hard work. They say, "We've already worked 9 to 5 for almost 2 years and never succeeded in getting a promotion. I'm out!" It surely has a two-sided future. If they are out because they get another job with a promotion, they're not neglecting their diligence but continue to think smart toward success. It's a good choice to out from there. If we can't improve in one place, try another place. Sadly, some people I see are not like that. They are out and doing nothing until they get a good offer again somewhere. It's good if they get one later, but don't they think it's a bad choice to out without getting an offer first? Without a job, they're stepping down from the success ladder.

cc: forensisgroup

Looking out for opportunities and getting a promotion. It's not an easy feat. Learning by doing and updating with the new one will also benefit us in getting a promotion easier. With all of that, they'll choose us because we've become an expert in our field. As an expert, we'll have many benefits that will lead us towards our success and it's not impossible again. Time is short so make your time good and be an expert in your field.

Have a nice day everyone!

 8 months ago Reveal Comment