As I'm watching TuttleTwinsTV, I find 1 episode about cryptocurrency in general. It's on Season 2 Episode 3 "Bitcoin and the Beast." It's good that TuttleTwinsTV is also giving this episode. With the kids' curiosity, They will try to know what's better between real cash and Bitcoin when they know about Bitcoin. Well, Bitcoin and cryptocurrency aren't legal as a currency but it's legal as an investment today.
TuttleTwinsTV Season 2 Episode 3: https://www.angel.com/watch/tuttle-twins/episode/de46fca9-d387-47f5-b13f-ff336885518c/season-2/episode-3/bitcoin-and-the-beast
The simple answer to a curiosity about "made up" money is "All money is made up." Is it? Yeah, because we need to know what is money again in a dictionary.
Money; coins or notes (= special pieces of paper) that are used to buy things, or an amount of these that a person has
source: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/money
Before money, humans bartered to get what they needed. Money is supposedly to make barter easier.
I don't know about others but history besides war and strategy was a boring lesson for me when I was in school. War and strategy are easier to imagine because I already played many games of war like Age of Empires and Advance Wars.
For Generation Z, learning with animation is easier since they are aware of YouTube. Some of my nieces and nephews learn many things from YouTube nowadays. I don't know if I'm included or not since I was born on the shift from the Millennial Generation to Generation Z 🤔. I'm a person who finds it hard to learn something without a mentor and needs face-to-face like in a class. For me, it's luck that I didn't need to join any online classes during the pandemic because I already finished everything. TuttleTwins tells a story about money when there is shell money -> gold -> a bank note or paper money we have used today.
A good way to tell why cryptocurrency exists is because of inflation. A simple explanation for kids to understand is in this scene, "When money is easy to make, society begins to break." The real experience from Zimbabwe 😂.
Importantly, TuttleTwins also tells and reminds about, "Investment though potentially lucrative can be risky. Only invest what you're willing to lose." It's not just for kids, it's for everyone. Tho, it doesn't tell about FOMO and DYOR. Maybe, we can teach them about that too.
Watch TuttleTwins on https://www.angel.com/shows/tuttle-twins