Alive and Thriving - 01.18.24 Colonoscopy pt.#2

in #aliveandthriving β€’ last year

Hello friends!
Happy Thursday Eve. ,
To You!
And, Thank You for your visit!

So my friends tonight's post will be a bit different, especially for a Thursday. I am going to catch you all up in my Colonoscopy, and "correct myself" about yesterday's post...πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

But first I want to mention something, it will be relevant later...
I am a pretty active guy, not the most by any means... But for my age I would consider myself active, not sedimentary...
I also didn't believe anything was wrong with me. True "occasionally" I had minor lower back discomfort, but nothing to complain about, I thought...
Now back to the Colonoscopy...
Like I said yesterday, there is 7 days of prep involved, in my case I get an additional day to "get back to normal", so 8.
Here are the orders for the prep,

And here,

So I went there to the Hospital and they were pretty quick getting me in...
After awhile - "anesthesia" they did the procedure, and...
They found what you would expect, and... 3 polyps, one 23cm, that's
".909" inches, almost an inch!
That means...
If it is cancerous it could spread,
If it's benign, at this stage it could burst and bleed - maybe to death.
Or... Bowel Obstruction, which is also very deadly.

Now I had no indication "whatsoever" that I had a problem so...
"FORGET" last night's post,
Get one, and yeah the prep is rough for sure a week!
But, it may save your life, mine saved mine today!
Again, Thank You for stopping by, and have an Amazing, Blessed "Friday"!

All images property of @lesmann
No Commercial Reproduction of any kind without written permission.

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Looks like your exam was timely. Hopefully the pathology will be benign. I have to laugh at the prep instructions though: β€œclear broth…NOT HEB BRAND.” But β€œhere everything’s better.” ;)

Thank You so much!
I am amazed! I was sure they would find nothing... Next thing I know they are whittling and tattooing! 😲
I am Praying on the benign thing myself... The size alone scares me!

Yeah hysterical right? They know that's right where you are going to go!
Corpus alone has 8 or maybe more!

Have an Amazing New Week my friend!
Stay Blessed, Happy, and Safe!

I'm sorry you had to go through that process, colonoscopy is quite "uncomfortable", but the advantage is that an early diagnosis is always better

Thank You so much my friend @jazmin89.!
Yes it was 8 bad days...
But as you said the advantage was that they found the polyp (growth) and cut it out. They say around April I would probably be getting toxic and probably not making it much longer,,
So "I Got Real Lucky"!
I "Thank The Father"!
Thank You so much again and wishing You my friend an Amazing New Week and hope your cold is gone!

It must have been a very hard 8 days, but now I'm leaving it in the past, and Thank God for good health. I'm still recovering from the flu, better but not completely cured.

Hello There my friend @jazmin89 !
Yes those were hard days, and the few afterwards...
Hoping the biopsy goes OK...
And Yes, since I thought I was Ok, I do Thank The Father!πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ
And also hoping that you are over the flu, and wishing You an Amazing New Week!

I'm sorry you had to go through that process, colonoscopy is quite "uncomfortable", but the advantage is that an early diagnosis is always better