And no one knew, the summer is gone

in #climate10 months ago


While I was talking to you about dreams last week, such weather came that I stopped dreaming. It was so cold that people began to quote, jokingly or not, that song that says: And no one knew, the summer is gone. Autumn is coming.
(That's why I thought of these pictures.)


On the other hand, I thought of a meme I saw recently that said something like: in the past there were 4 seasons - spring, summer, fall, winter. Nowadays there is just one season called "sprisufawin" or something like that (I'm improvising). Where today is winter, tomorrow is spring, the day after tomorrow summer, and the next day autumn.
Or it's winter in the morning, spring at noon, summer in the afternoon, autumn in the evening.
Oh, I know there really are countries like that in the world. I recently heard something similar about Ireland, I don't know if it's true.
It suits me somewhat, if we are spared the terrible heat of summer and the great cold of winter. But it won't be as perfect as we want it to be. It never happens the way the average person would like it to.
And I keep asking myself what awaits us ahead 🤔

Copyright: @soulsdetour

Hive.jpgSoul's Detour is a project started by me years ago when I had a blog about historical and not so popular tourist destinations in Eastern Belgium, West Germany and Luxembourg. Nowadays, this blog no longer exists, but I'm still here - passionate about architecture, art and mysteries and eager to share my discoveries and point of view with you.

March, April, May - we may have all the four seasons in one day :D

Yes, and this is what I personally don't like and it bothers me quite a bit. Because it is not typical for the region. In the past, each season had its distinct characteristics that occurred at a precise time with very small deviations, very small exceptions. Everything was predictable, the weather forecasts were accurate, to say the least 😃

Well, here, I don't agree at all.
I remember the winters from when I was a child, there were warm ones, no snow at all, then there was one winter where we had to dig paths through the snow to be able to walk and the snow "walls" were taller than me.

Maybe it just depends on where you lived. Where I lived, everything was predictable because every winter we made paths like this in the snow, well, not with walls higher than me, but still. Every winter the river would freeze so we could ice skate, etc. There were only one - two times when the snow surprised us extra at the wrong time - April and May, but in general everything was planned and one could prepare mentally and physically for what awaits him. I don't see that possibility nowadays.