Well Hello There Horsepower Lovers!!
Another Fiesta!
Let's see if we can do a quick swap out on the TCM!!
This is a really common problem with these transmissions and it's the same as the one I have, makes me a little worried ey! Laughs!
Now the job isn't as much of a concern as the tightly packed engine bay! A quick 5 minute swap will turn into a long and tedious work effort but that is fine!
Getting Everything Out!
Ford really didn't make this an easy one! They really didn't!
There are only four bolts on the TCM that I need to unbolt but I have to go through such a tedious faze to get everything else out of the way! The airbox along with the battery and the battery box!
It's not a problem to remove all of this but the computer is bolted down onto the battery box and it was just a little slop!
Easy Access But!
Most of the work on this one can be done from underneath the car and it would have been a great deal easier to get this out if I could just get that one bolt out!
All the tearing down at the top just to get one little bolt removed! It's a little bit of a bleh right!
I suppose it is what it is right, just got to keep on removing stuff till I can get my hands in there right? No other way? Or I could grab a huge hammer and smack it down!
The little hidden away bolt!
Now there's the little bugger holding me up!
The upside of this is that at-least I can now try and clean everything out as I fit it back together!
The Weirdness Of This!
In all my time I've never seen oil drip from those two holes and yes it makes perfect sense that oil can drip from them!
Seeing that the transmission is filled with oil...
But never in my life have I seen oil drip from the higher point instead of the lower point! How odd is that right? I swear stuff in life just doesn't make sense anymore! It just doesn't!
What taboo is this! Although I should not worry too much about it and just carry on about my day!
The New One!
Well let's fit the new one in (Refurbished not brand new) and see if we can pull over the software and have it running like new!
Of-course it's not a simple swap out and after the software has been pushed over there is still the matter of doing the adaptations on the transmission, now this isn't exactly a done deal.
There might be some more problems that arise, the clutch can be worn and the actuators can also be problematic.
The only way of figuring this out is by fitting it and driving the vehicle!
But I'll fast forward that and say it was the only problem so we can cross this car off the list to go out of the shop!

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