One Of My Favourites! (The AWD Quattro Audi Transmission!)

in Horsepower Herd!3 months ago


Well Hello There Horsepower Lovers!!

They Get Lucky!

So I've had the weirdest requests from clients over the years.... built this into that and make it from this to that and all that crap! A ton of weird requests! This is not one of them no!

However, this request is a little risky to say the least, we've done a few of them over the years as well and it really is a 50/50% the problem is that if it works the clients are happy and if it doesn't we somehow screwed up badly! Even though they asked us to do so!


The Request Is Simple.

The request is that he buys a scrapyard transmission and we just rebuilt the best of the two into the one!
The problem with this is that most of the computers can't actually be tested until we re-fitted the transmission!
That goes for the clutch as well, we can't expect it because taking it apart requires us to then buy parts to be able to put it back together!

So this can get quite expensive real fast!! Especially if we have to remove the transmission again!


Not Too Bad!

So the scrapyard box that the client brought in actually looked real good! On the inside, the outside looked a little messy but considering that it might have been in a huge collision and that means it will look dirty with all the oil and crap going everywhere!

Because of the oil looking like brand new we decided to fit the clutch just like that and take the knock if we have to remove it again!

So at-least we do have some hope for the clutch!


Always Check!

Oh dang I wonder how many people actually slip up on this part and never check causing a great deal of work for them!

The one thing you absolutely have too check is gear ratios! ALWAYS! Do yourself a huge favour and count all the teeth on every gear you might swap out, okay this is just a gear that drives the oil pump and doesn't actually have anything to do with the out put on the wheels but it will still cause trouble if the number of teeth aren't matched right!

Without a doubt it will!


I Go The Extra Mile!

Not for the client persay but for myself! The harder I push myself the better I become!

No the reason for this is that I want to see that everything works correctly on the meshing of the gears, I mean I don't want to make extra work for myself just because! No why would I want that!

So I fitted the clutch to make sure everything works correctly in there!


The Brains!

Well of-course we had to swap out the brains, we don't yet know if the brains works 100% as it should but for now we will swap it out with the old one to pull the programming from it first.

If it is indeed buggered up we can just swap the brains out!
No biggy, don't need to remove the entire transmission at all, just a simple valve body removal!


The Wiring Harness!

I did notice the wiring harness being damaged on the transmission the client bought from the scrapyard, now we know that his own is also faulty so we searched for a spare one we had at the shop and didn't even include it into his price. If that one gave troubles we could just take it from there right?

Now to get everything fitted in!**


The Most Important!

The valve body was by far the most important part we needed to exchange and the scrapyard transmission is cheaper than actually buying the valve body!

Hectic right! So the client bought the entire transmission just to fit this part in! Well I do hope it works as intended otherwise we will have a very unhappy client!

Let's hope for the best here!



Take note this is not a how to guide, merely myself talking about the work I do and my thoughts around certain things.

To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

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Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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