Oh Dear, We Were Right All This Time!

in Hive Motorslast year


Well Hello There Fellow Technicians And Hivers!

It Finally Came.

So a couple of weeks ago we booked in this job. A tricky one to say the least! Let me run through this real quick.

The client left the car here and we gave him an estimate of what it would cost to fix up, it may be cheaper it may be more expensive. We'd have to rip it all open to see what the problem is.

The client didn't like the estimate we gave him and he came to fetch his car and when he wanted to jump on the road the TCM gave in. What luck is that?

So we agreed to send the TCM in for repairs and sort out the most immediate problems at hand. We replaced one or two oil seals inside the megatronic and of-course sent the TCM in for repairs!

Which Leaves Us Here.

The TCM finally arrived! We actually waited quite some time for it, it's been what almost two weeks!

Am I confident in this thing working as it should? Well that is debatable, but no.
I have faith that the TCM will be working but most of the other components that we also had to replace but didn't well those aren't going to work as they should. This job is going to turn into a problem!

But what do we know!


Getting It Ready!

I suppose there's nothing else to do than to just put it all back together and fit it into the vehicle.

Making sure everything still looked okay on the megatronic and I decided on giving it another cleaning run before joining it with the TCM.
Then all that is left is to fill it up with the proper oil, not some thick as hell 75w90!

That gave me the laughs!
"Hey Bossman we might score here! Do you think this thing is going to work?"
"Im not sure, the client said it will, so mayhaps it will."


Always Make Sure And More Sure!

Now this isn't to check if the transmission has any problems inside.
What I did here was selecting each of the forks in both directions to check if there might be a fork problem inside the transmission.

By the looks of it not, which all points back to the megatronic.
Well we fixed the electronic part of it and it still has some major issues, the car is at the very least driving now but it has wanky shifts and every now and then you have to switch of the car and start it again to get the reverse gear.

This is all up to the client now to tell us what to look at next, since they know best! Laughs!

My best bet would be to remove the entire megatronic and fit in a whole seal kit and not just one or two of them. With that we also need to change the solenoids inside the megatronic. I have a feeling they might be where the problem is at. Although it has eight of them inside and one of them is more than a $100 USD a pop! The client wont like that at all!


Dated 07/02/2024

Take note this is not a how to guide, merely myself talking about the work I do and my thoughts around certain things.

To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

If you found this entertaining or educational please consider a re-blog and up-vote.

Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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Long time no see brother, excellent

It has been a while! Happy to be back!!

$100 each! There are 8 solenoids, total $800. I also think that the customer is not going to like that price, plus the seals, but if that is necessary he will have to do it.

He will just have to ey... we haven't heard anything back at all. I doubt they'd want to fix it up further. People have a weird mentality here

Aslong as the wheels turn they wont spend anymore...

Hopefully he fixes it though.