pepEntropy November 2024 Return of Capital (ROC) will be 100 SWAP.HIVE

in Project ePay Traffic3 months ago


Our Return of Capital(ROC) for holding pepEntropy tokens continue to rise month to month. November 2024 ROC allocation will be 100 SWAP.HIVE

Once again, it is a good time to accumulate some Qualitative Investment Strategy (QIS) tokens.

Our Project ePayTraffic(PEPT) digital wealth building token is positively impacted by the capital appreciation of our trading account. Our PEPT model is supported by several system accounts so please be aware that these system accounts will also accumulate, hold and trade pepEntropy tokens for strategic purposes.

Also, every effort is made to buy back tokens to give holders the option to liquidate as needed. This means that the market price may fluctuate highly for short periods of time which may give you some good buying opportunity.

The goal is to continue increasing the ROC month-to-month and when opportunity arises, allocate SWAP.HIVE to future month distribution. We are showing great progress and it is still a great time to take a position.

The following chart is a moving average of some price spot checks since the token was released. You may view the market trading results at the following link.

Details of #pepEntropy Qualitative Investing strategies are proprietary to FJ World Inc @fjworld

Generally speaking, activities include buying select tokens at low prices and selling for a profit. The profits are used to buyback pepEntropy tokens and distribute the earned SWAP.Hive to token holders.


Details of #pepEntropy Qualitative Investing strategies are proprietary to FJ World Inc @fjworld

Generally speaking, activities include buying select tokens at low prices and selling for a profit. The profits are used to buyback pepEntropy tokens and distribute the earned SWAP.Hive to token holders.

The PEPT ecosystem is supported by several system accounts that are likely to hold and trade some pepEntropy depending on existing project needs.

That is it for today. A qucick update before month end report and an opportunity to pickup some pepEntropy tokens for your digital wallet.

You are encouraged to visit Project ePayTraffic Hive community to Learn Before You Earn.

All comments and questions welcomed.

Have an awesome day.