What is the most important part of any project?

in Project ePay Trafficlast year

Could it be the foundation?

Before I share some pics, I want to say Thank You to all who wished @fjworld Happy Birthday. It's a big day for me. My twin died at birth and as far back as I can remember, I always wanted the Christmas Tree to stay up until January 7th. Later in years, I learn more about religion and being Baptized as a Roman Catholic. I always say you don't pick your religion, you trust your parents and God parents. Well, this post is not about religion. I am spiritual and not religious. I practice mindfulness and focus on creating more positive energy to offset the excessive amount of negative energy surrounding us all. Yes, here on Hive as well. Not an easy marketplace to introduce something or someone different. #LOLZ


...so let's look at some pics of a local development project. And one of Krimmer #4

This pic shows the foundation and steel structure that will support a large apartment complex, mostly for seniors. Not a low income project. In a future blog I will share some earlier pics and new ones to capture the project progress.

Here you see a similar building in the background. There are a few others in the vicinity. I have a sister currently living in the next building over. I know the owner and a few years ago when he started this project my dad got to move in one of his apartments.

The following view is near the entrance of the construction site. And here is Krimmer #4 who is 7 months old. She is part, Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever and Border Collie. Dominate Golden Retriever which makes her needy and annoying. It's a tough love affair.


Looking down the road, my home would be on the right, hidden from trees.

Oh look at that. Another shot of the foundation. The most important part of all projects. Look at all the projects on Hive and ask yourself, how strong is the support system for these Web3 project?

Hope you enjoyed the facts and pics shared today.

#LUV and positive energy to all.