Old abandoned building

in Urban Exploration3 months ago

Greetings to all hive friends every where, I hope you are happy. Share my experience of seeing buildings that are not functioning and abandoned. The abandoned buildings is the employee's house for the sugar cane factory.


It's location is in the vehicle rest area, former sugar cane factory employee's house was built around 1907. The former employee's mess buildings can be seen from the road when passing through this rest area, on the side of the road there are two abandoned buildings.


And there are several buildings not far from these two buildings which are blocked by high Walls. The old building construction used red brick for the Walls the tiles used burn earth material.


From the side you can see that the windows and doors are quite large and tall. The shape of the sugar cane factory employee mess building is European style, because it was built by the Dutch government at that time.




There are several spices in the building which are used as a place to store used building or ware house materials.



Thank you Urbanexploration by @slobberchops as manager.
Thank you happy days

December 2,2024