Phew, finally!
My words as I breathe a sigh of relief from all the procastination holding me back from making a music entry after a long time. I think I was worried that I may have lost my touch with making a watchable video especially my singing but from the look of things, it isn't that bad yet lol.
I'd say I'm lucky to have started again with this theme of the week "Carnival" as it took me through my music list and everything in the song "This Is Me" says it is the perfect one not only for the theme but also a beautiful start to continue my "love for music" journey in and outside Hive.
The theme is about celebration, fun and happy feeling. "This Is Me" is a song from a musical movie "The Greatest Showman", it's a movie any who have seen it would know it's all celebration and beautiful lessons to learn in accepting oneself and feeling good about who we are.
I've never been to a carnival before but I've heard of the ones that happen in a state I've never visited, how colourful and fun it is. Small festivals I've witness were so fun, I can only imagine how much fun it is to witness carnivals where more are on displays, the costumes are the best part.
The original video of the song I performed for this week, it has a whole lot of people who are not physically beautiful, like people putting on ugly and weird custumes but they are just people who weren't so lucky with looks. The song is one that speaks their mind, that they are beautifully strong inside and that is what matter more.
It's been a while I made a video so pardon my lapses especially with the editing, excitement overtook me somehow lol. Do enjoy my cover of the song and share your love, rating and recommendations on what you've listened to.
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