Stop Bad Behavior -> Stop Killing Chain -> Stop Making Someone Suffer. | Larry's Hunting Report - Tuesday, June 18, 2024

in Larry Is Alive9 months ago

It's already common now that someone calls "newbie" and "noob" in every game. Ofc, it's toxic behavior when they don't give any advice too. Instead of using "gg" or "ggwp", they are usually toxic while they are smurfing too. I don't know why there are people like that in every game. Did they never become a newbie? Why should they smurf then 😂🤣? Smurfing is used to find newbie players to play together 🤣. If it's because someone toxic to you before, will you think that your victim will do the same? Enjoying the game is the important thing. If you don't enjoy the game and just bully people, I think something is wrong with you.

cc: QuoteFancy

Sometimes we must think of what we do to someone because we're living in a society where people follow other people. If we know that is bad, should we continue? If we're thinking of continuing, it's the first thing that causes a war FYI. Learn from history, A kills B -> B's son gets revenge and kills A -> A's son gets revenge and kills B's son -> until it stops. How does it stop? it just has 2 ways:

  • No one can do the revenge.
  • Forgive and stop the killing chain.

cc: EconomicsHelp

We know that reality is already hard and forgiveness is also a hard thing. Look around us, there are still 2 active wars that make it a contra to live on Earth. We're trying hard to get happiness in the current situation. My friends and I know a real reason why the birth rate is declining. If we can think about this, someone can think about the same thing too which is: If we're hard to happy and struggling in this world, do we want to make our children like that too? Of course, NO. No one wants to make their children suffer to live in this world. My circles of friends and acquaintances (25-27 y.o.): 70% focus on their career, 10% are in a relationship, less than 5% are married, and the others mostly lost contact (suddenly missing without any status). Even some of my close friends are still looking for jobs 😑. I'm also one of the "focus on career." 😂 If this world is better, we would think more about that.

Last words: Share a good thing to make people do a good thing. Stop a bad thing to make people stop a bad thing. We should start with ourselves and never blame someone to stop the chain.

Have a nice day~

The #LarryIsAlive contest

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Leadsleap + TrafficAdBar + FreeAdvertisingForYou + InfinityTrafficBoost

Hunting report!

  • Leadsleap
    Requirement: View 10 ads
    Status: Done
    Result: View 18 ads
  • TrafficAdBar
    Requirement: View 25 websites
    Status: Done
    Result: View 32 websites
  • FreeAdvertisingForYou
    Requirement: Finished 10 of any Ads listed
    Status: Done
    Result: Finished 6 out of 6 available tasks.
  • InfinityTrafficBoost
    Requirement: Surf 10 Pages
    Status: Done
    Result: Surf 100 Pages.

For those who would like to try, you can click on the banner below to redirect you to the websites with my reference link 👍






Well done completing 4 steps in the Larry Delivers contest @cursephantom, you have earned 6 tickets for the daily drawing.



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@maddogmike - Game Master

#LarryIsAlive contest - win daily prizes


I enjoyed reading this.
I love how you are able to rightly define this bad chain, that we shouldn't find who to blame for it.
Rather stop it in our own ways.
Change can begin with anyone, just a cool right step can make a huge difference.

All we have to do is to try our best.

Nice write dear and good job with completing #larryisalive task.

Best wishes

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- @jmis101 - Moderator

This post has been curated by the Alive And Thriving Team, we curate good content in the We Are Alive Tribe that is on topic for #aliveandthriving, and it's included in our daily curation report on @aliveandthriving, plus @youarealive is following our Curation Trail.