As I found myself wading through the usual garbage farm that is social media earlier today, I could hear the voice of my dad echoing through my mind.
”If you don't have anything of consequence to say, don't say anything!”
Of course, I should add that my dad was part of an "older" generation that valued character and substance in people over personality and charm.
From where I'm sitting, social media seems to be about 99% inconsequential, so it would be a pretty good bet that he would abhor the whole thing. Of course he's been dead for a number of years so he's probably just looking at the whole thing and laughing from whatever place you end up in after you leave this particular plane of existence.
To some degree, that sentiment about not saying anything unless you have something of consequence to offer has rubbed off on me. In many ways, I think it's why my Twitter account never became very successful. In general, I would say it contributes to why few of my short content social media attempts have ever been very successful.
I mean, why bother?
It's not that I haven't tried to make a go of twitter — sorry, "X" — I just couldn't think up anything worthwhile to say. So I'd end up with maybe a dozen tweets a week... which was just never enough to get any traction.
I find myself reading through all these feeds and wondering to myself why people even bother to spend time at their keyboards or on their phones to make some of these "observations" they make.
Just like I struggle to find anything intelligent to read, I struggle to find anything intelligent to share.
Occasionally I think about how the cult movie "Idiocracy" seems to be getting closer and closer to the truth of the reality we're moving towards.
It all makes me wonder how we ended up at this place where people seemingly want to be entertained every single moment of their existence.
Think about it: Even the news has been more or less canceled in favor of whatever brand of infotainment was characterize as "news" in this day and age.
I also recognize that there has to be some kind of connection to our increasingly ADHD world... people more often than not have a short little span of attention. Makes me wonder whether that's actually part of the evolution of the species, or is it social media that's pushing in that direction?
Do "they" just want us to forget that we have brains and the ability to use them? I know I have explored this road in the past, but I still feel little wiser...
It has been suggested to me that I just learn to go with the flow... but why would I want to go with the flow of something I don't believe in?
Thanks for stopping by, and enjoy the remainder of your week!
Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation! I do my best to answer comments, even if it sometimes takes a few days!
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Created at 2024-08-06 00:22 PDT