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RE: Una infancia sin tiempo para el aburrimiento. 😄A childhood with no time for boredom || Memoir Monday (Week 19)

in Silver Bloggers8 months ago

Big families are normally all happy, work together, play together lean on each other when needing comforting. What a wonderful childhood, money is not always everything it seems to always come down to the quality of life we experienced.


You are right my dear Joan, now I realize that there were economic shortages, but my parents knew how to compensate for them in some way because we never realized it. I was happy barefoot, I was happy looking for firewood to cook, I was happy looking for cow's milk every morning, and at Christmas I was the happiest child of all because we were very happy and despite the time we still try to stay together, based on respect and love.

Always a good sign you all bonded well when still keep contact annually over the years. Have a lovely day.