Memoir Monday #16 (6/23-6/30) - How Has Your Country Changed During Your Lifetime?¹

in Silver Bloggers8 months ago

Greetings lovely Hiveans! Would you like to cherish your good old memories in writing? Here is a platform, where you can rewind your memories. Just feel free to click this link and share your memories hosted by @ericvancewalton in #memoirmonday

How has your country changed during your lifetime?

A beautiful moment by my daughter and her cousin after a year's gap.

Vast changes have taken place. Let me start with today's kids. There was a tine when we used to depend parents for each and everything. To do something of our choice also, we need to get permission from our parents. And that is the least thing which a child does now. Now-a-days parents are also much supportive and quite broad minded. I remember, in my days, all parents wanted their children to be either Doctors or Engineers. Anyway, to a great extent the concept has changed giving the children freedom of their choice. But one of the worst part of today's children is, they are not ready to face realities in life.

And infact, a time when the playground was full of children. It was a beautiful sight with children running around playing games of once choice. But, now it's a rare picture. Looks like children are out of sight. And most playgrounds are now flooded with long grass, for the cows to graze. Above all, most of these places are occupied with tall buildings, supermarkets, schools, hospitals etc.

The next thing I would like to highlight is the pollution. In my school and college days, I lived in defence quarters where most peoples had only a bicycle or scooter. at home. That was the only mode to commute from one place to another. For long distance, people used to prefer transport bus or private bus. Now, the situation is such that every member of the family in a house, has a vehicle to travel, that too, four wheeler. Big speeches of pollution control is given by the officials, when they themselves have 2 or 3 vehicles at home.

Next let me come to the budget. A very important role played in many of our lives. For a middle class family like ours, savings was a real challenge and the main focus of investment was only the banks. Amidst several challenges a small amount was opted for savings. Now the options being unlimited, depending on the income, one can invest in assets, insurance, mutual funds, shares etc... the list is endless. The only thing we should be careful, never to get trapped.

Finally, if we talk about metro rails, it was subjected to few metro states only, in our country. But now most of the cities are having these facilities. Though it has proved to be a boon to many travelling a far for their jobs, it has proved to be a curse for the people, who was forced to move from their own homes by paying a substantial amount for the land and property they owned, to carry on with the metro project.

As time goes by, too many developments have taken place for good and bad. I could see the smiles and warm hugs has reduced to a great extent. People are more or less working on pressure, by adding risk to their present lifestyle. When homely foods was preferred once, junk foods are on demand now, even after knowing the consequences. These are just few things that came to my mind, to put in writing.

Hope to have a peaceful nation with little hugs, big smiles, a busy funfilled playground, a good lot of friends etc.

The photos hereby taken are mine and the text written by me to the best of my knowledge. Wishing you all a wonderful day.

This article was to be posted two days before. Unfortunately I had some health issues due to which the posting is done in the last moment.

Wishing you all a great day. Thanks for your valuable time.


