Memoir Monday #21 - What have been some of your life's greatest surprises?

in Silver Bloggers7 months ago

Greetings dear Hiveans!!! Hope all of you all, have a wonderful weekend ahead. At times, surprises brings in tears of joy and happiness. For a moment we do imagine is this really happening to us. But yes, life is full of surprises, if you experienced something like this do not hesitate to make a post in #memoir monday an initiative forwarded by @ericvancewalton

Too many surprises came in, but some that are close to heart are still remembered. My children studied in the same school where I worked. My fiŕst and foremost surprise came from my daughter who was then 14 years old. It was my Birthday. That evening when I came from school I saw one of the rooms decorated with colour papers and balloons. To be honest, I never remembered my Birthday, but the surprise came in abundance, when my children asked me to cut the cake. Tears of joy, rolled down as I never expected such a magnificent treat.

I worked in a reputed International school in Saudi Arabia, for more than 12 years. To its credits, the school used to honour Decadian Awards for teacher's who completed 10 years of service. But due to some issues some of us were not honoured after 10 years. And I had to give up my job after 12 years, and return to my home country. But even after this period, I used to make yearly visit to get my visa renewed. On one such arrival, my then Principal, made all the arrangements for me get a decadian award with my other colleagues.

No words to express this surprise. They gave me a call to attend the meeting at an hotel where the event was to take place. And finally I was honoured. That was one of the most memorable moment in my academuc life.

Some happy surprises come in after a long struggle. One such was my son's admission to a professional college. Though he scored a good rank, due to tough competition, he was refused admission from the college of his choice. And finally we were forced to take admission in a private college, against his will. No words for me to describe his anger and sadness. We were asked to pay his fees before the deadline.

Some surprises are gained slowly, but lasting with sweet memories.

Such was this experience. Just before the deadline of the fee payment, came in the good news of his admission from Legal studies professional college. With lot of thanks to the Almighty we moved ahead with this admission. After successfully completing the studies for the last 5 years, he arrived home yesterday.

Last but not the least. My sister who is settled abroad, came all the way with her family, on the eve of my Birthday, with a lovely cake. What more one can expect to make your day so special. Happiness and surprises doubles, in the presence of meeting your loved ones, after a long time.

The photos posted are my own from my Samsung Galaxy A50 mobile. Thankyou for visiting my blog. 🙏


When children give such surprises, it brings great joy. I can understand what you must have felt at that moment. My daughters also surprised me on my wedding anniversary.

Oh...that was really great. Its true, surprises especially from children.
