Author/Bird of the Week in collaboration with InLeo
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With regret I have to announce that the initiative is on pause and we will be waiting for the new developments from the InLeo team. The polls unfortunately are not working and we cannot continue to choose our Top Authors. Until this issue is solved (I am afraid I have no answer to when), we will stop temporarily with the Friday posts where four authors were nominated.
Last Friday I skipped to post, it was holiday season and I had less time for Hive. However, the week before (that was Week 51) I have chosen four authors and they were:
To be fair, they will be set beneficiaries of this post. The reward of 60% beneficiary will be split among them equally, so each of them will get 15%. They are our Top Authors for the last week of the year 2023.
Congratulations @pardinus, @aezielove, @florian-glechner and @nilpan.
Although this initiative is on hold, I will keep on looking for quality posts in our beloved community of Feathered Friends and curate them. Don't forget that @barbara-orenya continues with her curation and weekly reports.
Also, the #SMaP (Show Me a Photo Contest) will be back this Sunday with new round and I am excited how the new year will start. I am sure you will be as active as ever with posts, entries, photos and stories as well as engaging with the other members. This is what makes the community strong.
During the holiday season I have made a small collection of new photos and I hope you too have some time for birdwatching. So, keep up posting in Feathered Friends Community. I am sure we will have a very successful year and we will have a lot to share.
Big thank you InLeo team for the support! It was great to be part of the initiative and I hope we will continue this year to collaborate.
Have a wonderful weekend!

banner created by @barbara-orenya

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