Una Noche De Luces🎄😍 || A Night Of Lights🎄😍 [Esp-Eng]

in Family & Friends3 months ago

Post para Instagram Collage de Bebé Simple Marrón Claro (3).png


Hola amigos de #Familyandfriends feliz viernes, espero que hayan pasado un dia genial!! Hoy quiero contarles un poco lo que fue nuestra salida en familia hace unos dias con planes de helados, pero adicional a eso aprovechamos de ver una parte de la ciudad decorada de navidad, una de las mas populares por cierto jeje, nuestra hermosa Catedral 🥰

Hello friends of. #Familyandfriends happy Friday, I hope you had a great day! Today I want to tell you a little bit about our family outing a few days ago with ice cream plans, but in addition to that we took the opportunity to see a part of the city decorated for Christmas, one of the most popular by the way hehe, our beautiful Cathedral 🥰.


El sabado luego de los helados, aprovechando que estabamos cerca, nos fuimos caminando hasta la catedral, se sentia un clima sabroso por cierto, y logre tomar varias fotografias pero les juro que mi favorita es esta 😍😍 amo verlos juntitos agarraditos de la mano, sabiendo que se protegen uno al otro siempre, aunque igual tengan sus peleas que eso no falta entre hermanos 😂😂

On Saturday after the ice cream, taking advantage that we were close, we went walking to the cathedral, it felt a tasty weather by the way, and I managed to take several pictures but I swear that my favorite is this one 😍😍 I love to see them together holding hands, knowing that they always protect each other, although they still have their fights that is not missing between siblings 😂😂




Al llegar a la catedral nos tomamos foticos por ejemplo con la hermosa catedral de fondo🥰 las luces la hacian ver mas linda por supuesto y habian muchas personas en el lugar tomandose las respectivas fotos jeje

When we arrived at the cathedral we took pictures for example with the beautiful cathedral in the background🥰 the lights made it look more beautiful of course and there were many people in the place taking the respective photos hehe




En el centro de la catedral pusieron un Arbolito enorme que aunque está bastante sencillo, se veia bonito
Detras del Arbolitos estaba el 2025 enorme que fue mi parte favorita del lugar jeje obvio mas la catedral que es lo mas lindo😂😂

In the center of the cathedral they put a huge Arbolito that although it is quite simple, it looked nice.
Behind the Arbolitos was the huge 2025 which was my favorite part of the place hehe obvious plus the cathedral which is the most beautiful😂😂😂





Teniamos tiempo sin ir y habia olvidado lo rico que se siente sentarse en la grama, el aire ahi se siente mas rico jeje asi que ahi estuvimos un rato largo jugando con los chiquitos 🥰 y obvio tomando muchas fotos para recordar otro dia coleccionando momentos con los seres que mas amo en el mundo🥰🥰

We hadn't been there for a while and I had forgotten how good it feels to sit on the grass, the air there feels better hehe so we spent a long time there playing with the kids 🥰🥰🥰 and obviously taking lots of pictures to remember another day collecting moments with the sera I love the most in the world🥰🥰.





Y asi me despido hasta la proxima💕💕

And so I bid you farewell until next time💕💕.

Fotos tomadas con mi Infinix Hot 40i
Portada editada en Canva

Photos taken with my Infinix Hot 40i
Cover edited in Canva


What a beautiful moments, the kiddos are really happy 🤗. It's more precious for them for sure, coz they had this amazing time with their family ❤️🤗