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RE: A Weekend of Family Time

in Family & Friends5 months ago

Hey, Amigo, I really enjoyed your blog and seeing you with your family. Happy belated birthday to your mum! 😃
I love lab dogs, they are so smart. And as for the battery on your car, what's going on? Wasn't it new?

Great that your mum won on those plays. A very fair birthday present.


Thanks she feels much younger than she is. She's Thankfull for being here and is happy she has her mind and youthful spirit.

Yes that breed of dog is indeed smart and they love to play.

Oh the car when the keys are out:

(1) My fob doesn't work despite newer batteries
(2)The auto locks lock for a split second than return to open
(3) wipers will run unless I turn them off
(4) A/C and heater fan still runs, the light on the temperature controls won't shut off

So yes it's got a personality without the keys. I can shut them all off but the one light still glows. A friend of friend said it's probably a wire somewhere. Had no luck finding a place as my internet and phone provider service were down much of the day, Verizon Wireless.

Glad you enjoyed and I hope you have a great evening.

By today you must have taken some of the personality out of that car by finding the wire.

😂 I thought of you today because my sister bought two scratch-offs. She tried to explain to me but I didn't understand much. She says she got at least $5 back

Friday is the day I take my car back, haha. Also need brakes done.

Hehe scratch tickets my mom loves those. When she got around better she use to do bingo once a week. She's not addicted but does budget for it. I mean it's kind of entertainment for her. She might buy $10 of them at a time every once in awhile.