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RE: Problem? Tech is the Answer! Until ...

The Australian government rolled out NBN (National Broadband Network) across the country with fibre optic cable for faster broadband. So naturally our internet goes out even more often than it used to and is no faster than before. It's not usually too much of a problem for us, but for those with school children who are supposed to use it for their homework and the school isn't being understanding, it can get quite stressful. These days there is phone data available as well if you have something important that needs doing right away.

When the internet goes out and I find myself stressing I try to also remind myself how we did things before it even existed. Like going out in the sunlight as you said. We don't get enough of it these days.

The world now seems smaller. We are connected. Constantly, if so desired.

Yet ironically we are also more disconnected by it, especially when we gravitate to doing all our socialising virtually instead of in person. (This could be added to that post about loss of community one of us might write. 😉)


Yes, @minismallholding, a great example. Can we imagine what the future holds on this topic? That is, how much more challenging it will be, if suddenly our connection is lost?

I don't personally see this trend going in the right direction, but unclear what, if anything, I can do about it.

"We don't get enough of it these days."

Agreed. I certainly don't and am making a conscious effort to change that. It is sadly surprising how challenging that is to make such a simple correction to my behavior. 😒🥲 But it is unmistakable the effect it has, as I touched on briefly. What enormous power something as simple as while walking around our neighborhoods can have, with sunlight on our faces.

It clears my mind and is an excellent time for reflection. It needs to happen more consistently and frequently. No matter what.

Thank you kindly for stopping by and adding your insights to my post!

"This could be added to that post about loss of community one of us might write. 😉"

Yes, well, I am now going to follow your account, so I do not miss it. Maybe we could "tag team" it, as I can easily imagine a number of different aspects of how it could be written and what could be said. We could "bat it" back and forth. Hahaha ... 🤝

Funnily enough I recently researched and wrote something on sunlight, specifically red and infrared light, and how healing it is. Even knowing this, though, I'm still struggling to get out in it enough. I miss having the time to garden most days. 😭

It could be fun to bat out back and forth, even if it's a slow process. I only have time to write little bits at a time in between work. I'll say again please tag me if you post anything. I don't often get chance to go through my feed, so I'm guaranteed to miss it if you don't.

With a busy day here IRL, I am only just getting to publish my next post, which I had sort of started for the Hive Garden community. Getting started, it may not last long, but I am attempting to write one every day.

With that done, now I have a chance to catch up a little bit.

Glad to see we have a little bit in common with the struggle to get outside enough. We are reading up on a number of different books these days about the growing crisis in our health. And all the recommendations on what to do about it.

While we think we do relatively well with the diet recommendations (always room for improvement though), we definitely fall down on the get outside and get enough exercise. Not good.

Gardening sure helps provide some additional motivation, though, with the return of Spring!

Okay, now that you tell me this:

"I'll say again please tag me if you post anything."

I wasn't sure if that was what I should do. Maybe I can get some more thoughts down on how I would start out. From there, bat it back and forth, tag team it, pass the baton ... Whatever analogy works! Hahaha ... 🤝

It depends how you were thinking to do things. We can do things as posts and them have further conversations in the comments or collaborate with something that one of us then posts and share the rewards via beneficiaries.

Are you on discord? We usually do most off hive communication that way.

Now with a bit more time, I have read your post about sunlight. It had a lot of good, rational points in it, about the value of what past generations took for granted, as you indicate.

"There is indeed plenty of evidence of the healing properties of red light and infrared light and the best and cheapest source of this is from the sun, so if you can make time to get outside, then there's no point in spending money on red light and infrared light products."

"I think we've always instinctively known that getting outside and getting fresh air is good for us."

It seems like there can be a tie-in to what we are talking about now, when it comes to community.

Responding here to your last comment, I was thinking about simply writing a post and exchanging thoughts in the comments. As I touch on briefly in my introduction, this impressed me as the best posts on the Hive blockchain. Those which sparked some interaction with others over whatever the content brings to mind.

If I get to that, I will definitely put a link in there that will notify you it has been written.

My biggest challenge is the time commitment. I am already experiencing what I had the greatest concern about, when thinking about whether or not this was a good idea. Spending time writing on a blockchain, when there is so much calling for my attention in the real world.

Rest assured, if I get a post written about community that will almost certainly be a point made somewhere in it. 🤝

Have a great day!

My biggest challenge is the time commitment.

That is also my biggest challenge on here. It's why I write so rarely now. I used to help out in the Hive Garden community, but that has ended up going by the wayside.

Anyway, that sounds good. My favourites are also the posts that spark conversation. 🙂

Thank you kindly for your responses. They do make a difference. It is nice to find someone who has similar thought processes.

Probably, for some additional clarity, I should add that it is the time to write in such a way that I am at peace with it, once published. I suppose I could write something very quickly, but that would provide little to no satisfaction.

For now, I am just trying to be at peace and settled on just doing what I can, when I can, and whatever happens from there is fine. I wish I could say I am finding that easy. Getting started, I am finding it more difficult than I had expected.