It can only get tough but you can win

in ThoughtfulDailyPost9 months ago

Every wins is gotten as a result of setting our minds to it, yes!, you must make sure you are ready to bear the road, some roads are not easy to walk, so for you not to be disappointed, understand what you must do to stay winning, which is knowing that, it can gets tough while chasing but you will surely beat it, because you have beaten yourself more harder than the road would beat you.

There was a time I stayed focused up to the point that, I began to feel that even positivity is not easy to keep, but, it's the road I was talking about, it doesn't comes easy, sometimes it might even make you confused, trying to make you stay low but once you have accepted to stay low because of all the stressed it might brings to you, that would be the beginning of the real failure you have accepted.

The deals is, we must not let our guards down, do not let your emotions get too comfortable ahead of you, because it would wreck you finally and to get up will even be more difficult than you ever think, while facing a minor challenge, take the road and continue grinding because, we only get higher when we keep hustling nonstop.

Once you stop hustling, to start again would needs doubles inputs and where would the double inputs come from, when what makes you stop was a single one, that is where the wrecking I talked about earlier comes into, so never should we allowed to be wreck, never!.

Do you believe people gets motivated merely without a clear design?

Yes, I think, there must be an energy that makes us feel we are onto something that is going to change our life, the deals is, no man feels comfortable at any position they are, we lived and hope for the best, so, for me, I do not believed that, people's get motivated when they do not see something that is more better than what they are getting, or going to get in the coming days.

It is a game of a prosperous mind. One Saturday, I was washing my clothes and in the compound I stay, there was no empty space to hang clothes anymore, but I was already done with washing, if I knew that all the ropes were occupied, I would have waited and wash the next day, because I was still having some clothes to wear, but I do not like to keep dirty clothes, what i do is, on each saturday, I must wash my clothes, not minding how many got dirty because, if I don't, I would be feeling like, I haven't kept sanitary a bit.

So, when i steps out of the room and was about to display my washed clothes, I find out that, all the clothes hanging space were occupied, I went out to the street and I bought this yellow rope from a man who sells things of this nature.

It was the last one he had, but he promised to go market the coming week, yet that wasn't something I looked up to, I wanted a rope just at that very moment, so he told me, unless I will take this yellow one, it was still new but the issues there was that, it was scattered, so if I am buying, I will be the one to rearrange it and used.

He deducted the price from 500 naira to 300 naira, that was almost 200 naira differences and the rope was still new, arranging the rope was nothing difficult, I knew what i must do, so I became determine to take on the road of arranging the rope, so that I can used it, if I wanted go elsewhere and buy it, I will have to pay extra transport fare which was something I didn't budget for.

I paid him and i took the rope home then start to arrange it, I ended up creating another space to hang clothes in the compound, all because, I made up my mind to accept the tasks, i knew nothing good comes easy.

I do not know who might need to read this, but I do hope that, this post get you motivated in what you do, and you achieved the expected results you wish for in life.

Images belongs to me.