You are the freedom you want to get.

in Positive Vibes6 months ago (edited)

[By Thomas Paine]

Thomas Paine is a political philosopher, to my understanding this quote, sees one's freedom as a responsibility. To him and to the general reality, there is no freedom that comes with easy.

Requires whether, theology or any form freedom does not come so easily, it comes with challenges and anyone who is ready to be free, indeed must be ready to take up with these challenges as his /her responsibility and advocate for it, through a collaborative duty.

This is true, in the sense that, if we take such responsibilities, then, there would be a change.

Even as you go out to your business, to your office, in that office, there are some forms of freedom, you need, which if you speak up and take the challenges, believe me, you will get it and be free.

That's to say that everyone's freedom is right in their hands. Many countries and nations today; their citizens suffer and live below freedom.

In the hands of their leaders. Many, on that hand, believe as well, that the government has power.

By so saying, in these thoughts; they believe to remain handicapped. However, Thomas brings it to light that to reap the blessings of freedom, People should know and take their civic responsibilities that should make them be free. That is going to set a soft landing grounds for their own freedom.

Keywords: The challenges in acting up for a change, is the responsibility you to take up.