How to Make a Colloidal Silver or Copper Generator

in Homesteading3 months ago

Part of my growing SOLUTIONS series, this time I showcase building a critical Colloidal Silver or Copper Generator. This is a MUST HAVE for general anti-microbial, anti-septic uses in treating infections and more. I've personally used it for years and is wonderfully magnificent for the curative treatment of Sinusitis, other upper respiratory infections and much much more. Every healer in independent communities needs to have this in their primary medical kits.

Healer's Caveat! - Pay strict attention to the process of generating and producing Silver Colloidal's and especially in treatment dosages. Incorrect production and dosages can lead to a RARE condition called "Argyria" whereupon your pigmentation turns to a permanent blue and you literally look similar to a Smurf. The disorder is caused by excess silver ions in the body, which react when exposed to light (the same phenomenon that makes silver nitrate useful for developing photos) and forms dark deposits in the skin. It’s a rare but irreversible condition, and in most cases the culprit is over-enthusiastic use of colloidal silver.

As long as productions are cleanly followed and proper dosages are adhered to, there are no problems. In 1910 Dr. Henry Crooks, one of the early pioneering developers, stated that “I know of no microbe that is not killed by silver in laboratory experiments in six minutes.”

Original creator credit goes out to Scarlet Peate: