Planting pumpkin seed

in Homesteading3 months ago


Yesterday was the major market day in my city I am, and I was opportuned to go to the market very early in the morning, around 6–7 a.m., to help out a neighbor in transporting some of her goods to the market. On my way back, I saw seedlings of pumpkin being sold, and I just couldn't resist. I had a little money with me, so I bought five seeds.



When I got home, I completely forgot I had bought them to plant. Late at night, I remembered and made sure to remove them from the nylon they were wrapped in. I kept them outside to receive fresh air throughout the night so I could plant them the next day. Honestly, I was a bit scared that rodents like rats, rabbits, or even cats that come around at night might eat the seeds.

The next day, as early as 6:40 a.m., I quickly went to where I had kept them and was relieved to find them untouched. I went to the garden and located a good spot in the small space. I dug up the ground, which was filled with debris like nylon, iron pieces, and undecayed clothes. I made sure to clear out all of them and prepared the ground to make it soft and suitable for the seeds, ensuring they would have ease in germinating. I didn’t want any excuse, such as the nylons and irons in the ground, to stop them from germinating.



I also watered the ground very well before and after putting the seeds into the soil. It hasn’t rained in my area for about three months, and the soil is so dry that it desperately needs water. I won’t have any problem watering the spot every morning and evening since I already do the same for the tomato and pepper plants I have in the garden.



After planting the seeds, I watered the other plants in the garden. I was overjoyed to notice that some of the tomato plants have started producing flowers, which means fruits are coming soon. I hope they mature before Christmas Day this year—it’s definitely possible. Lol!

Even though the dry season has been challenging, it has been helpful in some ways, especially with the dryness of grasses. Yes, all the grass has gone into hiding, and I haven’t had to clear them for a while.

Thanks for reading.

All photos are mine


It is a very good thing to plant, it is a very good practice as well. I hope you will water it on regular basis.


Watering everyday will never be a problem to me and I know the pumpkin will do well.
Thanks for stopping by

I know this pumpkin seeds. I will like to see them when they are grown 😁

Trust me, I'm going to be keeping account of growth in pictures 😎
Thank you ma

You're welcome

Hopefully the pumpkin seeds will grow well ❤️

Yeah, I'm fully hoping for that too.

Beautiful I am particularly excited about the fluted pumpkins. Such a rich vegetable.

Finally, I got the seeds to plant and my body is sweeting me😂
Thank you ma