Hello, community, how many anecdotes can be generated from being a bad physiognomist, having a fragile memory, being somewhat shortsighted? Maybe a few? But forceful! The answer in the video.

Hola, comunidad ¿Cuántas anécdotas se pueden generar a partir de ser mala fisonomista, tener frágil memoria, ser algo corta de vista?
¿Quizá unas pocas? ¡Pero contundentes!
La respuesta en el vídeo.

Si deseas ver el. episodio 1 del anecdotario ( La Vigilia) haz clic acá
If you want to see the. episode 1 of the anecdote (The Vigil) click here
Thank you for reading this far. >Gracias por llegar leyendo hasta acá.
The text in Spanish was created without AI The text in English I translated with Traductor Google
.The cap with the Hive logo is courtesy of @vdc, @yusmi and @gaborockstar who gave it to me. It was made by @lisfabian
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