plant chili trees and care for them

in CCH10 months ago

Cayenne pepper (Capsicum frutescens) is a plant from the American continent. This plant is suitable for cultivation in tropical areas, especially around the equator. This plant is most suitable for planting in the lowlands with an altitude of 0-500 meters above sea level. Even so, cayenne pepper can grow well up to a height of 1000 meters above sea level. For places that are too high, plant productivity will decrease.

In the highlands, cayenne pepper plants can still bear fruit. It's just that the harvest period is shorter than the lowlands. Apart from that, the production of seeds in cayenne pepper is less. This can be considered an advantage or a weakness. Because of course consumers like it but the weight of the fruit is light.
The cayenne peppers cultivated in Indonesia are very diverse. In general, people know white cayenne peppers and green cayenne peppers. Even though each place has different types of cayenne pepper.

Cultivating cayenne peppers is relatively risky compared to large chili peppers. This plant is more resistant to pest attacks, although pests that attack large chilies can also attack cayenne peppers. This time Alamtani explains the tips for cultivating cayenne pepper, from selecting seeds to handling the harvest.
To choose good cayenne pepper seeds, choose several plants that are healthy and look strong. From these plants, choose fruit that is in perfect shape, free from disease and pest attacks. Then let the fruit ripen on the tree. If possible, leave the fruit to dry on the tree.

After the fruit is picked, cut the skin of the fruit lengthwise. Remove the seeds at the base and tip of the fruit, take the seeds from the middle. The seeds in the middle are usually the highest quality.

Then soak the cayenne seeds in clean water. Discard any floating seeds, seeds that are suitable for use as seeds are those that are filled and sink in water. Then dry the seeds in the sun until dry, for about 3 days.

Except for organic seeds, we can apply fungicide to avoid fungal attacks. Then store the seeds in a dry place that still has air circulation. If stored correctly, cayenne pepper seeds can last up to two years.

Good seeds have a growth capacity of up to 80 percent. The longer the seeds are stored, the growing power will continue to decrease. If the growth capacity is less than 50 percent, you should not use the seeds.





