Good morning greeting friends in the middle of the rice fields today

in Photographylast year


Rice fields are one of the economic hearts of every village and we can admit this in various villages. Rice fields are one of the main sources of income for the community. The majority of village people are farmers and they plant rice in the rice fields. I see that the growth of rice fields has a big influence on the economic movement. in inland villages today in the middle of rice fields I stand and look front right left and back. How beautiful the rice fields are like a paradise garden in the middle of the village.
I saw a beauty that was very cool and calming to the soul, not only the beauty of rice fields planted with rice. However, if we look deeper, we can also see how beautiful the morning skyline is with white sago palms. This is one of the natural beauties that is very rare to find in the morning. It's not every day that we find it. Beauty like this If the days are thickly cloudy, we won't be able to see beauty like this, but today there are healthy rice fields in the middle and capturing several pictures of the beauty of the rice fields is one of the jobs that must be done by a photographer. and that is me.
You can also see the weeds at the border of the rice fields which were captured with my smartphone camera so this is a beautiful portrait screenshot. An interesting screenshot when we see how beautiful the rice fields planted with rice are. So fertile and also how beautiful the skyline is that is fertilized by light. morning sun, some of these images are beautiful and interesting images for me to publish as a post today in this large community.
A series of pictures that I have arranged neatly with writings that I have formulated as briefly as possible make this a post that contains positive value. That's my post today in this community, I hope my friends will like it.

CameraSamsung A20 S
Taken By@jepkupi
LocationLhokseumawe, Aceh

Best Regards, @jepkupi