Screenshot of community activities at the market this morning in Aceh Indonesia

in Photographylast year


Being a photographer is certainly ready for various activities, various risks and various activities that I instill in my soul today and even every day I also instill such a stance. This morning I was at the morning market at the traditional market in a village and I saw various community activities taking place here. For certain villages, they always hold traditional markets, meaning that every week they take one day just to invite traders from the city to visit their village, of course bringing their merchandise. The local traders around the village went to welcome the traders by buying the merchandise they brought.
You can see the women in the back of their car coming down from the upper peak villages to go to the traditional market held in the lower mainland villages. The journey they have taken is of course very far but they have to come down of course with several necessities such as buying some equipment. or the culinary delights they like. How do they prepare a full day a week or a week just to go to the traditional market to buy merchandise and play around because on other days they have to work in the garden.
This tradition has been around for so long that it has been a tradition passed down from their grandmothers until now and I am very sure that this tradition will continue of course into the next years and maybe even into the next year because the cooperation between traders and consumers is still continues to be well established, meaning that the residents are still buying merchandise brought by traders in the city centers. If this transaction is still taking place, this relationship is still ongoing, then of course the traders will continue to move to the villages and the residents will definitely pick them up. by buying the goods they bring.
There was also a trader who was drying nutmeg which he had bought from the garden owner which was below for them to sell because today's traders not only sell goods but also buy merchandise from the community such as areca nut and also other types of garden plants. which was specifically brought down to be sold by the collectors whose contacts gave it to the community so that money continued to circulate in the market this morning and will always be like that.
Friends, of course you can see from the pictures that I have taken with the smartphone that I have, Samsung A20s. Of course, friends, you can see several pictures of traders and there are also those selling sandals, they are serving consumers who have an agreement both in terms of price and in terms of the quality of the goods so that if there is a match and agreement on price then the goods are sold and the owners give money so that a transaction occurs and that is what both parties want.
These are some of my pictures today which I will share in this large community where I also formulate these writings according to what I see according to what I observe in the field and of course it must also be in accordance with the news that I have shared Here, this is a tradition that occurs in our village in the interior, so we hope that girls like this will continue. Preserve it because the benefits are also felt by the people of the interior and also the traders themselves who leave the city for the peak but if they go home feeling happy, that's my post today for friends, happy activities and happy collecting beautiful pictures with Writings that contain positive sides of course.

CameraSamsung A20 S
Taken By@jepkupi
LocationLhokseumawe, Aceh
WA Business+62 8527 0383 497

Best Regards, @jepkupi