↑I used my DIY skills to create a chimney from leftover galvanized flue pipe
I just had paper and a small piece of Fat Liter wood at the bottom, stacked as much charcoal is I could, then ignited the paper
↑Once they had burned down enough, I added more briquets↑
Once it is all ready, I may grill me some kittens 😈
Or perhaps I'll stick to the steak and vegetables I have ready
↓First Turn↓
I apparently did not have a hot fire, not hot enough at least.
The meat was good if chewy, small squash and peppers were good (one of them must have been a "hopalolopeno" cause it were hot")
Also, the inner lining of the galvanized pipe had melted, so I may have some metal poisoning now.

"Solo Cookout"
Jerry E Smith
All images orginal, taken with my cellphone

Jerry E Smith
All images orginal, taken with my cellphone