Meat empanadas

in Foodies Bee Hive11 months ago

Good morning community.
On Friday night my daughter and I organized to make empanadas, but instead of buying the discs at the store we decided to play a little with the Pastalinda, a machine that belonged to my mother-in-law and that is used to make empanada discs, noodles and more products. of pasta.
For the dough I used -500 grams of flour
-1 cup of water
-2 tablespoons of beef fat. We formed the bun and let it rest for half an hour, then we cut it into quarters and passed them through the machine starting from point 1 until we reached point 6, then we assembled the discs and were ready to fill.

For the filling I used:
-1 k of minced meat
-750g of onion
-1/2 red bell pepper
-3 hard boiled eggs
and seasonings salt, pepper, cumin, oregano, ground chili and paprika. Preparation: fry the onion together with the bell pepper, then add the meat and when it is cooked, add the seasonings and the chopped egg.They can be fried or baked in the oven. We decided to bake it because it was for dinner and frying at night can always go wrong.
Good menu for a Friday night.
Well community, I hope you like the empanadas and that you can make them and enjoy them as much as my family and I. Until next time.

The text and images are my own.


Que delicia tu receta y que bien hecha y bien explicado está todo, muchas gracias por compartirlo. Un saludo😍

Muchas gracias!!