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RE: Food For My Deceased Brother's Annual Event

in Foodies Bee Hive5 months ago

Family love ❤️ never ends. Whetter we are alive or dead, we will continue to be remembered by our loved 🥰 ones.

Your brother will be so happy where he is resting knowing his family and loved 🥰 ones have him in mind always.

As you celebrate and remember him, pray he continue to Rest In Peace ☮️.

So sorry my friend. Sending love ❤️ and hug 🤗.


Thank you for your beautiful words my friend, I believe he is calm and happy there. We will always give our best prayers for her ❤

Always my friend 🥰🌸. We can only pray for our loved 🥰 ones to rest because we know they are with the Lord 🙏

Hug 🤗

Thamk you dear❤
