How much do you like oranges ?

in ecoTrain9 days ago

Few years ago, when we move to my father's house, we did not have oranges in the compound, neither did we have others fruits, it was always hard for us when it comes to fruits season, you can imagine living in a rural area but not enjoy the benefit of such place.

In those times we moved in here newly, we used to buy fruits in the market, there was no difference with people who were staying in the urban places, but then, father started planting many fruits, like oranges, mangoes, avocado pear, and others fruit's in the compound.

The deal is, the amount we used in buying fruit once it was getting to fruits season were much, and there was nothing we could do about it, because we always needs it.

And the thing was, no matter how big of the fruits we buy for the family, it wasn't always enough, because it will not take up to two days, the fruits will finished, and even when we need to buy it, we just have to wait for sometimes, before the seller could pass by, and then we buy from them, and that might be when you needed it the most.

Then, considering if the fruits was just there in the compound, I am sure anybody who wishes to eat or lick it at a particular time will just go there, and plug, eat and quench the thirst of eating the fruit.

Then time keep going, and those plants father plant now becomes big, and almost all of them have fruits.

It is now fruits season, and I was just strolling in the compound, and I realized that in the compound, we have many fruits, and each of them are fruitful.

This realization has made me to understand that, whatever we want, it will just take time, but we will surely get it, once we plant, and watered the soil.

This isn't just about plants alone, but whatsoever we want in our life, it will just be a matter of time, and patience, and that thing will be gotten.

I have done some research about things people said to me, but the statement, I am 99 percent sure do not failed, is about patience and time, believe me it's true, anybody who do a thing, he/she will benefit from that thing they do.

In the world today, the mistake some people do not realize is wanting to achieve everything they do at the spot, yet, not all activities yield so fast, they are some that take time, but as far as we have done it, and still do the require on it, the activities will yield with time, and we will enjoy the benefits.

People who do not believe in patience will tell you that, a patience man in this today's world are overlooked, and will not enjoy the benefits of what they do, but do not take their word for anything, because it pays even more better to be patience, and cultivate and wait for the harvest season.

Image is mine.