When I am in mindfulness or meditation ...
I have the certainty that something is happening inside me, it is a waterfall of something irresistible, although I have no remotely idea what it is, then the irrepressible need for "contemplation" arises (which from the outside must seem like a daze), the immensity of the landscape, of my environment, regardless of the place where I am even my own room, I realize how tiny I am, in the midst of the infinite silk of the surface of my bed, the silence that magnificent and gives prominence to every minimal sound of my breathing, the enviable romance between the , the universe, and I, is my life swarming that does not let itself be seen but lets itself be intuited.
To create another nuance of my mindfulness, for example: to put the focus of attention on diaphragmatic breathing. Or in the spatial distance on my face between nose/ear, chin/nose, chin/ears, in total contemplation with the eyes closed of my being.
I break the thought loops thinking about any word e.g. Pink and I'm looking for words that start with the letter "R", when I can't anymore, I move on to the letter "O"... and so on. I never finish the letter "R", when I'm already so relaxed that I fall asleep.
Another one of my (technical) tools is:
praying, praying, and doing a novena (prayer, mantra) I agreed with my beliefs by counting with the fingers of the hand, the rosary beads, and my eyes closed...
This is what I'm talking about this day Jane, with certainty, about meditation, or mindfulness, is to be able to have by my side, the affective bonds, my intertwined roots, and my great strength in balance, in balance, in total horizontality..., and from there the depth is born, from the mystical experience.
That inner work is permanent, Jane, the inner silence, the appreciation for simple... It is obscured by worldly life. We are imperfect human beings waking up every day.
Thanks for this reminder of the start of the weekend, @jane1289. I try as much as possible, when I practice meditation to be gentle, kind, kind to me and inspire me, to keep going and up.
Separator made with [Canva]( https://www.canva.com /) by @janitzearratia
Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited with [Canva]( https://www.canva.com /)
Translation with |DeepL