The art of big plans and unexpected detours

in Ecency4 days ago

Yesterday, I shared how I plan my big goals. Today, I’ll share another story, and the wisdom I picked up along the way.

See, my goals never change. But the path? Oh, that’s where flexibility comes in.

The morning
This morning started freezing. Literally. But I had a mission: cleaning up all the winter storm leftovers. And since everything was still frozen, I figured it would be easier to tackle the mess before it turned into a soggy disaster. Smart thinking, right? Well, let’s just say I sniffed the entire winter out of the ground while picking up rubbish.

Distraction number one

Then, distraction number one hit me. The sun was shining, and I thought, Finally! Perfect day to hang my laundry outside! Spring-fresh clothes, here I come! Except... the grass had other plans. It had grown so much during autumn, but thanks to all the rain, mowing had been impossible. And now? I was practically wading through a jungle. So, of course, before laundry, the lawn had to go.

Distraction number two

After wrestling with the grass, I proudly grabbed my laundry, only to realize distraction number two. The porch. Covered in moss. And not just any moss, the olympic-level slippery kind. One wrong step and I’d be a world-class figure skater. Or someting else that includes the risk of falling
So, out came the high-pressure cleaner. You know that job where you turn greener than the thing you’re cleaning? Yep, that was me. But hey, progress! At 2 PM (yes, two hours later), I was finally ready to hang up my first batch of clothes. And that’s when I noticed: I was filthy. Absolutely unfit for hanging up fresh laundry.

So, into the shower I went, where my daughter greeted me with a smoothie because, well, she knows I forget to eat. (I may have raised a genius)

The day flew by, and before I knew it, I completely missed an interview I had planned to attend. With great sorrow, I accepted my fate: thank goodness for recordings!

So, did anything go as planned? No.
Did I achieve my goal? Absolutely. Because now, I can sit outside this week and start painting in the mornings. My goal stayed the same: the journey was just a little...unexpected.

Moral of the story? Be flexible. Life will always throw distractions (and moss) your way. Just grab a pressure washer and keep going.

Greetings from a fresh washed mom with a clean Zen garden



Thank you and thank for taking the time to read it

Life will always throw distractions

Remaining focussed is the key to gain your goals.

I always get distracted. I keep to my main goals, keeping the family fed and such 😉

For me, sitting in front of my laptop all day has given me problems associated with ADHD but I still try to remain focussed.

Sitting behind an desktop isn’t always easy to remain focussed. When I’m working, I always have things I want to look up, so I open another browser. And there it goes wrong for me

I have multiple browser tabs opening syndrome too.

Nice shot

My congrats dear. Nice

Haha, agree. Flexibility is indeed one of the solutions. But it can also be an excuse.
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Yeah I know what you mean. I try to avoid that pitfall. It takes a little ‘knowing yourself’ and pushing through your own patterns, I guess

Um, I'm 63 and I still don't know myself. 😂

Observing nature is the key to awakening

That is a truth. I point this out to people as much as I can, and it is the sole reason I moved from the city to a rural area

It's interesting, I wrote about being flexible in my post today too, and a lesson that was hit home around it. I very much get staying focused on the goal, while being open and flexible around the route and method for its accomplishment. It sounds like you're slowly (or not so slowly, as the case may be) redoing your entire house! I wish you a good dose of invincible success in your multitudinous undertaking! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙


Well it probably was a message that needed to be heard if we wrote about the same thing 😉 thanks for the wishes, when I’m starting to paint, things will get serious 😂

Indeed, that's how I took it. Most definitely, Nathalie, you're very welcome! Hahaha...ruh roh! 😁🙏💚✨🤙