Yesterday, I shared how I plan my big goals. Today, I’ll share another story, and the wisdom I picked up along the way.
See, my goals never change. But the path? Oh, that’s where flexibility comes in.
The morning
This morning started freezing. Literally. But I had a mission: cleaning up all the winter storm leftovers. And since everything was still frozen, I figured it would be easier to tackle the mess before it turned into a soggy disaster. Smart thinking, right? Well, let’s just say I sniffed the entire winter out of the ground while picking up rubbish.
Distraction number one
Then, distraction number one hit me. The sun was shining, and I thought, Finally! Perfect day to hang my laundry outside! Spring-fresh clothes, here I come! Except... the grass had other plans. It had grown so much during autumn, but thanks to all the rain, mowing had been impossible. And now? I was practically wading through a jungle. So, of course, before laundry, the lawn had to go.
Distraction number two
After wrestling with the grass, I proudly grabbed my laundry, only to realize distraction number two. The porch. Covered in moss. And not just any moss, the olympic-level slippery kind. One wrong step and I’d be a world-class figure skater. Or someting else that includes the risk of falling
So, out came the high-pressure cleaner. You know that job where you turn greener than the thing you’re cleaning? Yep, that was me. But hey, progress! At 2 PM (yes, two hours later), I was finally ready to hang up my first batch of clothes. And that’s when I noticed: I was filthy. Absolutely unfit for hanging up fresh laundry.
So, into the shower I went, where my daughter greeted me with a smoothie because, well, she knows I forget to eat. (I may have raised a genius)
The day flew by, and before I knew it, I completely missed an interview I had planned to attend. With great sorrow, I accepted my fate: thank goodness for recordings!
So, did anything go as planned? No.
Did I achieve my goal? Absolutely. Because now, I can sit outside this week and start painting in the mornings. My goal stayed the same: the journey was just a little...unexpected.
Moral of the story? Be flexible. Life will always throw distractions (and moss) your way. Just grab a pressure washer and keep going.
Greetings from a fresh washed mom with a clean Zen garden