It Happened This Year

in Reflections2 months ago (edited)

I just shared my 2024 Hive Highlight HERE, and I want to continue it in this post. I just want to share an update and 2024 recap about my life in general - I hope everyone is having a Merry Christmas today!

Happy holidays :)

Writing career

This year puts a lot of twist on my writing career.

Everyone knows that writing was not my passion, but I decided to pursue this career – and trying to do it more in the next coming years.

The idea of creating content through writing just fascinates me recently…do you call yourself as a “content creator”?

I think you should if you are sharing informative posts to your readers. As I mentioned earlier, I am taking advantage of my free time and write more. I find it rewarding over time.

I decided to go back in the old simple and minimalist design of my website.

I don’t want to make it complicated.

I also focused on writing more and pursued Medium and content marketing as my niche. I have about 100 topic ideas lined up for my upcoming posts which I hope I can finish.

I am now trying to revive my website and writing more while focusing on SEO. As of now, after writing more posts related to content marketing, I don’t really see the results from SEO, but I am still working into it. I focus more on producing more content and do the marketing later.

I also maximize my content by repurposing it across the platforms where I publish it everywhere primarily on my website, Hive, and Medium.

This gives me more exposure, earnings, and traffic which is helpful for me as a writer to grow faster.

I can’t say that I am focusing into it 100% because of school, but I plan to take this path after the graduation (hopefully I can pass my last semester, more on this later).

So far, I am seeing my progress in all of the 3 platforms that I am using and I have some initial plans to do; I am testing out more things to make this successful so I full invest my time and effort into this.


My life of being a student nearly ends by next year – if I pass all the subjects (hopefully, please…I am tired of this life).

I know that I will miss the life of being a student but I am so tired of this cycle: review, stressed, but do not get any monetary rewards which matters in this era.

My 2024 of being a student was a chaos…it just defines the “I just need to survive”.

Taking this degree is exhausting…there are times that I even cried because of it.

I remember failing a subject, almost failing another subject, but had some ways to solve it. I had an INC grade on my portal, thankfully, I completed it and received a “mercy grade” of 3.0; engineering will make you cry indeed, but this grade is a gold in this degree!

I am looking forward to pass all of my subjects by next year which will be my last semester, and finally, the graduation!

I need to study harder because we will have a pre-board next semester and complete our thesis (a lot of expenses is coming up), and so, I want to do everything to finish this degree on time (pray for me!).


Hell yeah, I don’t really want to talk about this…but this adds up.

Nothing more happened of my finances this year…I feel completely lost this year when it comes to money.

I lost my track of my money, no income, and lost my passive income.

Maybe I should write a separate post about this, the summary is just I fucked up this year when it comes to money – a lot of expenses on school and not generating money means being broke.

I don’t know, I feel that this year was not for me in financial aspect…or maybe I am just undisciplined this year about handling my finances.

Overall, my 2024 was a roller coaster. I had a lot of mixed experiences where I learned a lot to become what I am right now. I plan to improve next year, but my primary goal until mid-year is to graduate.

Then level up my writing career. I have high hopes in writing as I am now seeing my progress, I hope I can continue.

It was funny that when the year started, I told my friend that my goal is to have a girlfriend and heck, it happened. I think it is a major plot twist of my year and I am thankful and happy for that LOL. I even find funny that I am sharing this here, sikret lang natin ‘to bawal may makaalam kasi baka mawala ang angas at matawag na corny HAHAHA.

So thankful that I will survive this year – I hope I can have (and everyone) a good year in 2025. Cheers!

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All images are made and designed by the author using Canva.


Baby, @anonymous02 pleaae note this is from my deepest respect but you'll just fine, boy. It looks scary, frightening but it's not. Trust me on this one,love. Merry Christmas