A Sore On The Sole Of The Foot

in Reflections6 months ago

For about a week, I was unable to go out. Not even as little as going to a nearby shop to get some provisions. I stayed out of work and couldn't even do other things that involve moving around the house. The challenge was because I had a sore which turned to a boil under the sole of my left foot. The pains from the sore was not that terrible but the limitation of not being able to walk freely and comfortably was the more painful one.

The Genesis
About a years ago and some months ago, when I moved into my newly built house, I decided to make a garden in the home for easy accessibility of groceries and other commonly used vegetables. But I was faced with the problems of domestic animals owned by other occupants of the community. Domestic animals who are moving about freely in the community can be very destructive and offensive. The goats are the worst set here, especially because they are very stubborn and can destroy anything in order to get their food.

So, to achieve my aim, I cut sticks and gathered planks to make a temporary perimeter fencing of my property in order to keep the goats out of my little yard garden. The goal was achieved and we were able to have vegetables and groceries for home use. We had some yam fruits also.

** How The Sore Came**

The sore was caused by a wound I sustain about two months ago when I was moving about my backyard. One of the days when going around in the backyard, I matched a decaying plank without knowing that there was a nail on it. The nail choked the sole of my foot. I had treated it before (I even had an injection from an hospital) but the spot get sored again last Tuesday. Sincerity then, I couldn't go out again. The pain was severe that I could not match the sole of my left foot to walk around.

There Were Benefits

I woke up to thank God who allowed me to experience that moment of being restricted to staying at home. There were some good benefits to that. The most profiting part of it is that it helped me realize some of the projects and materials I have initiated which I have abandoned. The important thing is that these projects have far more rewarding economic benefits to my ministry and destiny. I couldn't even know why I stopped pursuing them (maybe being overtaken by other activities).

Not only that, my children had fun spending time with me. Usually, we leave them with the lesson teachers at the lesson center till when I and my wife come home in the evening. But that time was real fun for my children (especially my little daughter and the boy). They could play around their compound as they like about watch cartoons in the television at will.

Restrategizing For Maximum Success

Success is the ultimate goal of every ambition. It goes properly correct that humans are ambitious animals. We are ambitious because we have distinct destinies which we were born to fulfill. Making success is good but achieving maximum success will be very good. Everyone needs the best from the stock. I believe you too desire the best from the stock.

Having discovered these unnoticed setbacks, I have decided to strategize so that I will be pursuing success with all those projects and visions. I will reduce some of my engagements which had hindered me from achieving success with them all this while. On engaging my children, I will reschedule my program so that some of the days they will enjoy my companion after school.