Hello family! 🥰 I'm always happy seeing myself here and having the privilege to interact with people of like minds.
I am a leather bags producer. I learnt leather work when, after my college degree, I was unable to secure a salary job. After school, the reality of life dawned on me and I had to source for means of actualizing my life. I was attracted to leather bags making. So, I ventured into the trade.
I want to use this medium to encourage our teaming young men and women not to be discouraged by the unfavorable situations in which life could be dragging you about. Take your future in your hands.
I'm one of the followers of @mcgi. I listen to the teachings of Bro Eli Soriano and I review them daily on my blog. One of the striking lessons that I have learnt from MCGI Cares Hive is that we can actually determine what our future will be like. I have chosen to be actively alive and to take my future in my hands.
So, when I couldn't get a government job or any lucrative job per say, I ventured into leather bags making. Today that profession has blessed my life. I will be sharing tutorials on how we produce some of the common leather bags which people use in our community.
This is my first time of posting in this community. I know that I belong here because I am a needlework craftsman. So, this is my introductory post to the needlework community. In my subsequent posts, I will make some tutorials of how these leather bags are made. For now, I'll just introduce you to some of my works.
👆 I just made this a few days ago for a customer. You know you girls are fashion intoxicated. I just did it the way she wanted.
👆 I made these for a college who was celebrating year-end for her students. I made more than 400 pieces of that
👆 I did this one for a government parastatal towards the end of last year. They ordered for 2000 pieces of that and by God’s help, we were able to deliver.
If you want to learn basic techniques in leather bags production, you can be following my contents in this community hence. Thank you for your time in reading my blog.