in Veterans11 months ago

Good morning, Hive-ians! 😊
Most of our wild turkeys disappeared at the of the week. 😊
We have had an increase in Blackbirds and Red-winged Blackbirds this week as the turkeys have left. 😊
The hatchlings are starting to develop their own individual personalities/quirks and forming friendships. 😊
The Toms putting on one last show before moving on this week. 😊
Can anyone recommend a sturdy, yet not exorbitantly priced set of cookie cutters? I’ve been trying to find a nice set of larger and smaller hearts, circles, squares, and triangles, but all the ones I’ve found online have turned out to be flimsy and bend the second you press them into your dough. I’d appreciate it if you could leave a comment below if you know of any that you’d recommend, please. 😊
After ripping it apart and completely restarting about 8 times, I think, I’ve finally got the basic knitting stitch down. YAY! 😊
I made some chocolate chip oatmeal cookie squares and a few more cranberry raisin oatmeal heart cookies for my handsome husband this week. I love making a double batch of the dough, freezing it and then just grabbing some out to cook whenever we want a sweet treat. 😊
A friend of mine wanted me to walk her through using her Instant Pot for cooking a pork roast and I decided to cook a frozen roast beef in ours to show her the steps to take. They both turned out fantastic and she told me she’s so happy that she doesn’t have to remember to take out and thaw her roasts anymore. The Instant Pot is such a wonderful little kitchen gadget. I love ours as it’s made my life easier and every piece of meat; from whole chickens to beef roasts, have turned out so tender. 😊
We received our willow cuttings this week. 😊
Our homemade dog treats are much more appreciated and sought after than the store ones and we no longer buy any. These are pumpkin and we’ve got a batch of beef ones in the dehydrator right now. 😊
We love going down to the basement each morning and greeting these cuties. 😊
The wild turkeys working the main pasture garden before heading off. 😊
The flock heading off. 😊
A couple of Toms fighting the day before the flock left. 😊
The hatchlings trying to figure out where the worm went. 😊
My handsome husband checking on the growth of our willow cuttings. 😊
We are down to two wild turkeys now, just a single Tom and his gal. 😊
This week’s raisin bread turned out so nicely that we didn’t even let it cool completely before we did our taste test. 😊
Here’s what the inside looked like. I am so grateful for our barbecue because it’s made not having a working stove, no big deal. 😊
Someone’s working their wings. 😊
I canned my very first batch of chicken bone broth this week…now I know how much broth a pot full of chicken bones, veggies, and water, are…three quarts. Now I can figure out how many more batches I can make from the rest of the carcasses in our freezer. 😊
Our little garden bed outside our backdoor, along the dog run fence, is waking up! 😊
Backyard/dog run fence line garden shot 2. 😊
Backyard/dog run fence line garden shot 3. 😊
Backyard/dog run fence line garden shot 4. 😊
Backyard/dog run fence line garden shot 5. 😊
Learning the pearl/purl stitch. 😊
After almost a week in the water our willow cuttings are getting roots! 😊
Well, that was how things have been going for us here. I hope you have all been safe and healthy and have had an amazing week! I’m grateful to God for blessing us with another week to share with you here. 😊 God bless you all. 😊 Have an awesome week everyone! 😊
Anyone else interested in a badge like this? Contact @daddykirbs for a custom badge of your own. 😊 Thank you to @zainenn for the GHSC footer as well. 😊

(All photos taken by me or for me by my handsome husband on my Huawei P30 Lite or Samsung S20FE5G.) (https://frostyamber.picfair.com is the address for my Picfair site if anyone’s interested in checking it out.)


That's cool about the InstaPot, not having to thaw things. Love all the chick photos! What will you be doing with the willows?

Welcome back, lovely lady, thanks for visiting! 😊

Yes, we love it. The Instant Pot makes the best beans I've ever made, it's a great gadget. I have nothing but happy thoughts where the Instant products are concerned, the Instant Vortex Plus is a fantastic replacement for our broken oven. 😊

We will be making baskets with the reeds that grow from them. We're really looking forward to it! 😊

I've got to go and get my blog written and posted, so I'll have to say goodbye for now and chat with you again soon. 😊

God bless you and your wonderful family. Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! 😊