Create my Team on Genesis League Goals | Ready to Kick Off !

in Blockchain Gaming2 months ago

GLS (1).jpg

Hello everyone, welcome back to Ramadhanight's Hive Blog. Today, I have create my team on another arcade colony games, the Genesis League Goals and Get My First Match! Let's check it out !


What is Genesis League Goals?

Genesis League Goals is a football manager games which combined with the blockchain technology where we can own NFTs and use them for the match to gain token as rewards ! This is an interesting play to earn concept combined with the passion of managing a football team ! But unlike the 11 vs 11 matches, we will have 7 vs 7 matches, with 1 goal keeper, 2 defender, 2 midfielder, and 2 forwards are battling on the field. You can also have one coach to boost the team performance !

You can check more on the whitepapers below:


Setting My Garuda Team


Before competing, you need a team arranged first. You need players which you can find on the market or the packs. I decide to go for the market and find players and coach that suit my style, we can use credits or GLUSD for buying them (on this case, I use the credits, but it's required license, I'm lucky to get a free one on the discord ! You might want to try claiming it !)

Now after chose the team management, you will directed to create the team, there are 2 slots of team given. I pick the first one

First thing is chosing the team name, I pick "Garuda" which is a nick for Indonesian National Team

For the coach, I have bought 2, and I will use the Superfans effect to boost the morale and all succes chance of the game.
More details about coach are on

Next for the goalkeeper, I have one with 8 block points and 5 pass points.

For defender, I want the tough one ! With 10 intercept, 10 block, and 9 tacles point for both of them ! They also have 7 pass point for progressing the ball into the midfield.

Next there is midfielder with 10 pass, 9 shot, and 10 dribbling for the offensive one, while the other will doing the dirt with 10 intercept, 8 block, and 10 tacles !

Last for the forwards, I chose forwards with high shot points, because they supposed to be the finisher and need a great finishing touch ! One of them also have high dribble points to dribble past enemies defenders !

Now as all position are filled, We can finalise and click the confirm button on the top right of the screen !

As the teams are confirmed, now we can doing practice, compete on the league, or challenge our friends !


Trying My First Competition

I try the compete for the first time and wait for looking the opponent,

As the enemies found, there will be loading for the match.

There is half time for changing the players if needed (cause there will health point drained for each half match)

Finally, I got my first victory !

Here is my current team stats. I am on the solo tier with 150 rating and 71 fans after playing 1 games and win it !

My current team health is 91% with 99% stamina and 18% morale. My team synergy is still 0%.


My Next Target

I will keep competing for getting the next tier, while trying to looks for subs team cause I think I will need them after playing more battle ! I want to get some upgrade as well, so I might get another copy of my current players ! And for sure I will learn more about this game cause I am still newbie here 😂


Final Words

Thank you for kindly read my post, I hope you enjoyed this post as I enjoy playing this game. Are you playing Genesis League Goals? Please give me advice on building my own team by put it on comment section below cause I'm still newbie about this game :)

Here is the link if you are interested to play this game as well !

PS : This is not a financial answer, please do your own research before decide to invest on anywhere!

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Put 5% of benefficiary to @indonesianhiver as support to Indonesian writer on hive

Genesis League Goals for the cool game
Mrs. carrieallen for the very useful ULTIMATE Markdown Tutorial
Canva for the free photoshop
All curators and readers that i couldn't mentioned all of your name

~Thank You~

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