Hello to all members on Hive Blockchain Platform.
I would like to share you about Dancing Video of Tazaung Mone Full Moon Day 2024 and Getting Seasonal Card Again in Rising Star Game.
I made a nice donation the last Full Mon Day of Tazaung Mone in 2024.I recorded some videos of my donations in 2024.One of my favorite videos is dancing video.So I wanted to spread about happiness of dancing video on here today.This is very nice time for me because I donated Fried Noodles with Chicken and Fried vermicelli to all people.I was so happy about it.After donating successfully..my friends were dancing with Burmese music infront of my house.
How a nice time it is...
So I recorded and saved some videos of my friends.
I chose this nice dancing videos which can make you to get a happiness.
They are all happy in that day.
Have a nice happy time with your best friends.
I am trying in Rising Star Game.I got one Seasonal Card again.This is from doing Hug Me mission.
The name of Seasonal card is S98 Heartmonica.I got totally three cards this NFT.I made a sell ordered already one S98 Heartmonica card in the market.
I bought 3NFT cards pack from the market.Buying is one of my trying plans in Rising Star Game.I got one rare card and two common cards.
All cards are not so bad for me.
I was lucky today because I got a Seasonal card in game compare with the other days.
This is my ideas & my opinion below...
More Playing...More Buying...More collect NFTs...More Success in Game...More Success in future.
Thank you so much for visiting my blog.