in Splinterlandslast year


hello, meet again with me Ahmad badrud duja. Greetings all, How is your challenge this time?

Battle mage Secrets is a challenge that is held once a week by Splinterlands, so let's take part.


Welcome back to battle mage secret this time here I follow it with enthusiasm and I hope your day is full of blessings, everyone. For this battle, I fought a summoner of the legendary fire element. here I play it in diamond league 1 and let's continue this game. victory is on our side today. (bhaltazar scholarship account)


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as you can see in the picture above, this is the ruleset for this battle, namely: Briar Patch where All units receive the Thorns ability at the start of the battle. Enemy units that use melee attacks receive damage back.
Damage returned is equal to damage of the attacker divided by 2, rounded up.
Melee attack units with the Reflection Shield ability do not take damage form thorns.
The Amplify ability increases damage.


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The rules I got for this battle are 3, namely: 1.Odd Ones Out. 2.Born Again. 3.Briar Patch
( 1.Odd Ones Out: Only Monsters with odd Mana costs may be used in battles. 2.Born Again: All Mosters have the Rebirth ability. and this is the essence of the rules that I entered into this battle in the Splinterlands challenge. 3.Briar Patch: All Monsters have the Thorns ability. )

  • this time the rules get 43 manacap
  • There are only 2 elements that can be used, namely: fire, and death. with that the other 4 elements cannot be used such as (water, earth, life, and dragon)


Click the image to watch this battle live.

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and this is the initial appearance of my battle against my enemy with the summoner element legendary fire while I use the Balthazar scholarship account with account number 708. and let's continue with my strategy in this battle and here are the cards that I can use in battle.

strategies are used to win the battle on the blog this time.

card imageabilityexplanation
Screenshot 2024-01-27 18.05.02.png CONQUEROR J ACEKThis summoner card has the abilities: All friendly Monsters have +2 Speed. All friendly Monsters receive the Scattershot ability at the start of the battle, which affects Range and Magic attacks (Melee attacks still use normal targeting rules). All friendly Monsters receive the piercing ability at the start of the battle. (max level)hello, in this strategy I chose the fire summoner, namely CONQUEROR JACEK. This is one of the legendary fire element summoners that I have and this is a strong summoner with the abilities that I have explained below. I chose him because of his abilities. Another reason I chose this summoner is that the monster card in the fire element that I currently have is a monster card that is suitable for me to take part in the battle and the current rules. instead of the monster cards that I have in the death element, which this time is one of the elements that is open in the battle rules this time. My favorite piercing ability is by penetrating my opponent's armor and although there is a luck factor, there is also the scattershot ability which will be obtained by the monster card that I have in addition to the ability that will be given by this summoner and this is the monster card that I chose.
Screenshot 2024-01-27 18.05.48.png LEGIONNAIRE ALVARThis monster card has the abilities: 1. Void Armor 2.Giant Killer. 3. Demoralize. 4.Deathblow. and 1.Rebirth + 2.Thorns are obtained from the rules and 1.Scattershot and 2.Piercing are obtained from the summoner's abilities. (max level)The first monster card I chose as a tank in this battle was LEGIONNAIRE ALVAR. This is a monster card with a neutral element where it has the following stats in this battle: 3 melee attack, 9 armor, 7 health and 2 speed. he also has the ability as I explained besides, namely 1. Void Armor: Magic attacks hit this Unit's armor before its Health. 2.Giant Killer: Does double damage against targets that cost 10 or more mana. 3.Demoralize: Reduces the Melee attack of all enemy Units by 1. and 4.Rebirth: When this Unit dies it will self-resurrect with 1 Health once per battle. 5.Thorns: When hit with a Melee attack, does 2 Melee damage back to the attacker. plus 6.Scattershot: Ranged and Magic attacks hit a random enemy target. 7.Piercing: If Melee or Ranged attack damage is in excess of the target's Armor, the remainder will damage the target's Health. The reason I chose this card as the first card as a tank in this battle was the Void Armor ability it has where I relied on it because there is the Rebirth ability which all cards will get. when he comes back to life he won't be quickly killed by monster cards with magic attacks even though he comes back to life with only 1 health but he will still be protected by a lot of armor in this battle.
Screenshot 2024-01-27 18.06.24.png VENARI MARKS RATThis monster card has the abilities: 1. Marthyr and 2.Snare and 1.Rebirth + 2.Thorns are obtained from the rules and 1.Scattershot and 2.Piercing are obtained from the summoner's abilities. (level 6)The second monster card I chose in this battle was VENARI MARKSRAT. he is a monster card with a neutral element that I chose. He has stats like this in the battle I participated in this time: 1 attack range, 4 health and 3 speed. he also has the ability as I wrote next to it, namely 1. Martyr: When this Unit dies, adjacent Units get +1 to all stats. 2.Snare: When attacking enemies with Flying, removes the Flying ability and cannot miss. and 3.Rebirth: When this Unit dies it will self-resurrect with 1 Health once per battle. 4.Thorns: When hit with a Melee attack, does 2 Melee damage back to the attacker. plus 5.Scattershot: Ranged and Magic attacks hit a random enemy target. 6.Piercing: If Melee or Ranged attack damage is in excess of the target's Armor, the remainder will damage the target's Health. The reason I chose him in this battle was his Marthyr ability. even though he is a monster card with a level that is not yet optimal and with the abilities he has, I think he is worthy of being included in this battle. My strategy this time is that when he dies it doesn't matter as long as he can provide additional stats for the monster card next to him. marthyr's ability is pretty much mandatory for the rules with rabirth's ability in my opinion. because that will give double stats to the monster card next to it later.
Screenshot 2024-01-27 18.07.00.png LAVA LAUN CHERThis monster card has the abilities: 1. Close Range and 2.Stun and 1.Rebirth + 2.Thorns are obtained from the rules and 1.Scattershot and 2.Piercing are obtained from the summoner's abilities. (max level)Monster card number 3 in this battle I chose LAVA LAUNCHER. he is a monster card with fire elements which is quite good for this battle. He has the following stats: 5 attack range, 7 armor, 6 health and 3 speed. he also has the ability that I explained besides, namely 1. Close Range: Units with the Close Range ability can perform ranged attacks from the first position. 2.stun: When a Unit with Stun hits a target, there is a 50% chance that the target will skip its next turn. and 3.Rebirth: When this Unit dies it will self-resurrect with 1 Health once per battle. 4.Thorns: When hit with a Melee attack, does 2 Melee damage back to the attacker. plus 5.Scattershot: Ranged and Magic attacks hit a random enemy target. 6.Piercing: If Melee or Ranged attack damage is in excess of the target's Armor, the remainder will damage the target's Health. the reason I chose him in this battle is that his stats are very good and his abilities are quite helpful in this battle, one of which is stun, which when it can hit the opponent and I managed to make him unable to attack in 1 round is an advantage for my battle this time. Putting him in number 3 was my goal to get additional stats from the abilities of the previous cards I used.
Screenshot 2024-01-27 18.07.38.png FIRECALLERThis monster card has the abilities: 1.Marthyr 2.Fury + 3.Snare and 1.Rebirth + 2.Thorns are obtained from the rules and 1.Scattershot and 2.Piercing are obtained from the summoner's abilities. (max level)In fourth place in this battle I chose a monster card called FIRECALLER. where he has the following stats in this battle: 4 attack range, 4 health and 4 speed. he also has the following abilities 1.Martyr: When this Unit dies, adjacent Units get +1 to all stats. 2.Fury: This Unit does double damage to targets with the Taunt ability. 3.Snare: When attacking enemies with Flying, removes the Flying ability and cannot miss. and 4.Rebirth: When this Unit dies it will self-resurrect with 1 Health once per battle. 5.Thorns: When hit with a Melee attack, does 2 Melee damage back to the attacker. plus 6.Scattershot: Ranged and Magic attacks hit a random enemy target. 7.Piercing: If Melee or Ranged attack damage is in excess of the target's Armor, the remainder will damage the target's Health. The reason I chose this monster card in battle was Marthyr's only ability. It's not that the other abilities are useless, but my goal is almost the same as monster card number 2, where I explained that this ability will give additional stats when it dies to the monster card next to it. This is a pretty good strategy in my opinion in a battle like this. I encourage you to try it.
Screenshot 2024-01-27 18.08.11.png DJINN IN FERNIThis monster card has the abilities: 1. Giant Killer + 2.Stun and 1.Rebirth + 2.Thorns are obtained from the rules and 1.Scattershot and 2.Piercing are obtained from the summoner's abilities. (max level)Monster card number five in this battle I chose DJINN INFERNI. This is a monster card with the fire element where it has the following stats in this battle. 5 magic attack, 4 health and 4 speed. he also has the ability as I explained below, namely 1.Giant Killer: Does double damage against targets that costs 10 or more mana. 2.Stun: When a Unit with Stun hits a target, there is a 50% chance that the target will skip its next turn. and 3.Rebirth: When this Unit dies it will self-resurrect with 1 Health once per battle. 4.Thorns: When hit with a Melee attack, does 2 Melee damage back to the attacker. plus 5.Scattershot: Ranged and Magic attacks hit a random enemy target. 6.Piercing: If Melee or Ranged attack damage is in excess of the target's Armor, the remainder will damage the target's Health. The reason I chose this monster card was the magic attack and abilities it has. in terms of attack he is the only monster card with a magic attack, where I rely on him to finish off my opponents who have low health plus with his ability like a giant killer I rely on him to finish off monster cards with high mana costs and usually those are monster cards which is quite difficult to kill. fast speed is a bonus for him. I hope to attack my opponent's monster cards first during battle.
Screenshot 2024-01-27 18.08.38.png LAVA SPIDERThis monster card has the abilities: 1.Snipe 2.Snare 3.Poison and 1.Rebirth + 2.Thorns are obtained from the rules and 1.Scattershot and 2.Piercing are obtained from the summoner's abilities. (max level)and the last monster card I used in this battle was LAVA SPIDER. This is a monster card with fire elements which has the following stats in this battle, namely: 2 attack range, 6 health and 4 speed. he also has the following abilities, namely 1.Snipe: Targets the first enemy Unit with Ranged, Magic, or no attack that is not in the first position with Ranged or Magic attacks. 2.Snare: When attacking enemies with Flying, removes the Flying ability and cannot miss. 3.Poison: Attacks have a 50% chance to apply poison, which does automatic damage to the target at the beginning of each round after the poison is applied. and 4.Rebirth: When this Unit dies it will self-resurrect with 1 Health once per battle. 5.Thorns: When hit with a Melee attack, does 2 Melee damage back to the attacker. plus 6.Scattershot: Ranged and Magic attacks hit a random enemy target. 7.Piercing: If Melee or Ranged attack damage is in excess of the target's Armor, the remainder will damage the target's Health. The reason I chose this monster card at the end was its health, which is quite high in my opinion and the stats and abilities it has. but what I like about him is his poison ability which I will rely on when he manages to hit my enemy so that it will help to speed up my opponent's death and I will be quicker to gain the upper hand in this battle. It's quite simple but I think it's quite valuable and we can't underestimate it in every battle. trivial things will become dangerous when we cannot anticipate them. I hope this simple strategy can win this battle and I can get what I want, namely victory later.


You can see my battle live here or you can watch it on my YouTube video below, don't forget to like, subscribe and share. If you can't play it, you can continue reading this blog and see pictures of my battle in the continuation of this blog below.


ronde 1

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ronde 2

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ronde 3

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ronde 4

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ronde 5

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ronde 6

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ronde 7

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ronde 8

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ronde 9

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ronde 10

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ronde 11

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ronde 12

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and finally I won.

talking about the battle this time, it is a very fierce strategy and I like to write it. as you can see above, we have almost the same thoughts, where we each choose the fire summoner instead of the heat that we can choose in this battle. In my opinion, for the rules that I got this time and with the existing manacap I can say that the choice of the legendary fire summoner was the reason I was able to win in this battle. Looking at the Dheat Summoner, it is true that he has a lot of monster cards with many abilities, but most of the monsters there don't have comparable attacks and abilities to use in this battle. Here you have to choose a fast monster card to slaughter your opponent and if it comes back to life it has the ability to outlive your opponent's attacks. Piercing ability is one of the reasons to choose this legendary summoner in this battle. those are a few of my thoughts on winning this battle. You can see in our initial strategy in the first round when we brought legendary monster cards with neutral elements in different editions, this was the point of difference in our strategy. I got an attack early because my opponent this time had a monster card with the ability to provide ambush in the initial battle we had this time. Continuing with the second round, we still have the same strong team of monster cards, but I have more monster cards that I choose in this battle and I think I have an advantage compared to my enemy in this battle from the number of monster cards that I use. Continuing with the third round there was still no slight change until in the second round this was the exciting point of this battle where I was able to finish off my opponent's neutral legendary card which was used as a tank, namely Montarot which was very annoying for me. The bright spot was in my mind to win In this battle, with the continuation of battle rounds 5 to 12, I was finally able to defeat my opponent this time. My winning point seems to be in the attack from DJINN INFERNI on my opponent's MANTAROT. where in one attack he can deal 10 damage if he hits it. that is very large damage in battle. The difficulty after finishing off the tank was the point of my victory against my enemy this time.

I won and got +19 points and +8.4 sps in this battle
that's my suggestion. Use the strategy that you think is best and don't forget to have fun.



Thank you for visiting my blog, don't forget to leave a comment, follow and share your experience with me.


  • splinterlands : weekly event held by splinterlands
  • canva : to edit the images in this blog poster
  • link refferal : for those of you who are new or will try to play splinterland

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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121