It took quite a while, but now i have all the rare non gf gladius cards maxed out. The are some really good rare cards especially for brawl. My brawl position is UCL Diamond.
Let's go into details to each card and present them in the order of my personal ranking.
1. Captain Katie
Katie is a very strong card. Her snipe ability can clean up the enemy rows quite quick. She is probably part in every white magic brawl team (if there is enough mana)
2. Orella Abadon
4 Attack combined with 4 Speed, True Strike and 5 Health for 2 Mana is quite good. Orella can really shine in low mana battles
3. Ajax Lightfoot
Phase, dodge and high speed makes Ajax a good Tank for ranged only battles. He can survive a battle with not getting a hit at all.
4. Cutter Breeze
For the cost of only 1 mana Cutter Breeze adds a lot of value. Nice to play in low mana battles or little league
5. Alfredo
Alfredo is a nice ranged only tank, if you have another taunt monster in your time (for example Wave Brood)
6. Sarius
Actually Sarius is quite a good card, but especially in red there are a lot of ranged alternatives
7. Liza Fox
Liza Fox is a okay monster, but it does not add as much value as the others compared to the costs. There are rulesets where she can shine
8. Relenor Cleaver
In lower leagues this card was not bad, but i think in diamond there are often "normal" monsters just better than this card. Also the high attack has often no impact due to forcefield
9. Kotriphus Bayne
I usually do not play this card. I just think overall it is better than Palidon Rakk
10. Palidon Rakk
Not much to say, i think it is the worst rare gladius